A Chance of Redemption

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Genji awoke in a cold sweat, his hands shaking. Every night was the same scenario. Genji and Hanzo would have a fight and every time Genji would win, plummeting his katana into his brother. Genji knew it was foolish, this dream was just his worst case scenario. He couldn't help feel guilty every time he had this dream but it was just a dream.

Genji had made a promise to Hanzo, to come with him on his next deal and attended his duties. He intended to keep it because deep in the back of his mind, he had a feeling that dream would come true. As much as he hatted partaking in this criminal activity he needed to keep his relationship with his brother healthy. 

The Shimada clan made many deals with neighboring clans but this clan was a lot more important. Sojiro Shimada found himself in a conflict with one of his brothers: Jiro Shimada, Jiro took a portion of the Shimada clan for his own. Before long Jiro found he could not lead this small portion of the Shimada clan as they had turned on him. Jiro came crawling back to Sojiro. Sojiro showed him mercy but the small portion of the Shimada clan left still lived on under a new ideology and name literally meaning: The Forgotten Ones. However, they have grown in numbers and power and Hanzo had not forgotten about them.

Genji, maybe for the first time in his life looked presentable. He wore a long-sleeved shirt with a tie and black trousers. Hanzo was waiting for him outside a car wearing almost the same thing but with a black jacket. Hanzo, as usual, looked neutral not giving Genji any chance feeling proud.

"Hmph. You came then." Hanzo said his brow furrowed.

"Well, I can go if you don't want me." Genji teased. Genji tried to make Hanzo smile but Hanzo was as usual emotionless.

They both got in the back of a car and headed out of the city to meet The Forgotten Ones. They would meet on the outskirts of the city. Skyscrapers flew past as the car picked up speed, inside the car was silent, Genji just looked out of the window trying to preoccupy himself. Both brothers too unsure to start a conversation. Genji smirked he swore he could see some greys on Hanzo's head. His smirk quickly turned to a frown, Hanzo must have been stressed. 

Finally reaching the meeting point the two brothers stepped out of the car, however, no one was there. Hanzo motioned for the few bodyguards they had to stay in the car. Hanzo reached to pass Genji his sword. 

"I thought this just a meeting," Genji said accepting his sword anyway.

"It is but they are dangerous," Hanzo said putting his own sword on his back.

This was the part Genji hated about Hanzo he would too easily resort to violence. Hanzo was not innocent like Genji he had killed his excuse being it was necessary no killing had an excuse in Genji's view.  

Immediately after three cars pulled up. Genji could see it was them Hanzo nodded to him and they approached the vehicles. 10 people in total exited the cars all of them equipped with some sort of melee weapon but none welded a traditional sword except one. Genji easily guessed he was the leader.

"We arranged a meeting with the leader of the Forgotten Ones. Who are you?" Hanzo asked in a stern tone.

"There has recently been a change of plans. So you are dealing with me, Daimo." Daimo said half smiling.

Daimo was very young but still older than Genji. He had long brown hair coming to his shoulders and the sword he was welding had all sorts of engravings from Genji's point of view the sword looked beautiful.

"And who is this you've brought with you we did not expect him?" Daimo said smirking.

Hanzo looked at Genji and back at Daimo. "This is my brother do you not recognize him?" Hanzo said a confused look on his face. 

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