The Mission

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The Orca rumbled in the sky. It's roaring engines preventing anyone from staying calm if anyone meant Angela. The doctor had one hand on her seat belt for her own comfort. The other part of the strike team, however, looked calm and professional. Reinhardt had a sympathetic eye on Angela. The shacking had no effect on the crusader, under all that amour he probably felt nothing. Torbjorn, on the other hand, looked concerned with a hand on his beard.

"Are you sure can handle yourself, doctor, because out there it won't be easy." Torbjorn finally blurted out.

Angela knew she would need to prove herself, hopefully, her new staff would help. "Well, we'll see if your staff works, Torbjorn."

"Of course it will work!"

"Then there is no need to worry," Angela replied smugly.

Only now did Angela realise how old Reinhardt looked in his amour. His Grey hair the only thing exposed in his amour. Reinhardt, however, could not look more at home than in his crusader amour. Angela was quite excited to see if Reinhardt would live up to his tales.

The dropship finally touched the ground. Angela looked at the communication device. As she twisted it in her fingers she smiled to her self, seeing it had the Overwatch logo. After fitting it in her ear there were a coms check, Ana would be leading the mission from the HQ, something Angela was relieved to hear.

The mission was surprisingly easy, apparently, a rogue hacker had unlocked a God AI in the temple of Anubis. The strike teams' job was easy: enter the temple, Torbjorn would destroy the program and they would leave. However, the God AI had control of the omnics in the area and would most likely use them against the team.

The dropship door opened to a blisteringly hot Eygypt. The heat hit Angela immediately but the view made it all worth it. A pyramid stood infected with modern technology, Angela guessed that was where the god program was.

There was one problem the city of Cairo was in the way. As Reinhardt walked them through, the city looked deserted. All that was left were innocent omnics that walked the streets like zombies. Before long the omnics turned on the strike team, mindlessly running at them.

Then the gunshots started, the omnics fell one by one in front of Angela. It was hard not to notice that they were wearing casual clothes, they were innocent people controlled by a monster. As the team got closer to the temple more omnics fell. Angela couldn't help but flinch every time Torbjorn shot an innocent or when Reinhardt killed a good person.

Angela tried to ignore it but could not ignore a woman clutching to her friend, screaming at it telling it to stop as it wandered lifelessly. Angela soon saw it turn on her. The omnic threw hard metal punches at her. The woman, however, still tried to convince it to stop that was until the omnic was shot in the head.

Tears were now falling from the woman as she watched it fall to the ground. Angela stood rooted to the spot unsure of what to do. The woman fell to the floor holding on to the omnic. She looked up to see a battered man in amour holding his hand out to her. The woman instantly got up and started hitting Reinhardt. It had no effect but Reinhardt looked at her in shock.

"I-I am sorry," Reinhardt's gruff voice said. The woman just fell on her knees and shouted Arabic at Reinhardt but Reinhardt did not understand.

The team had a mission so continued to the temple, Angela activated her staff and the woman's grazes and cuts disappeared. Angela gave one last sorry smile to the woman before catching up to the team.

Once inside the temple, Torbjorn directed them to the area where the God AI was located. Angela's jaw dropped when they made it further into the temple. It completely changed from ancient Egypt to modern technology, that of which Angela did not recognise. 

The centre of the temple was definitely where the God AI was. A bright light kept pulsing like a heartbeat. Angela had never seen anything like it. She couldn't help but be anxious, these were the cause of the omnic crisis.

Static soon wrang through the com devices. "Overwatch?" a robotic voice spoke into the coms. "Heros, fighters. Tyrants. You killed the rest of the AI, I suppose you are here to kill me."

Torbjorn nonchalantly pulled the explosive out of his kit before answering "Yup, so die quietly won't you?" It was then planted on the central beam of the temple. Torbjorn clapped his hands in a job well done. As the clap echoed throughout the temple, strange and advanced omnics started crawling down from the cleaning.

"Run!" Reinhardt ordered.

Angela immediately ran away as fast as she could her head couldn't help but look back at the omnic that ripped the explosive device off the God AI and hurled it towards the team. 

Suddenly a shock wave sent Angela off her feet and a good distance through the air before she landed flat on her back. Winded, Angela did not get chance to scream as rubble fell towards her. Although the rubble did not get chance as Reinhardt stood in the way blocking it with his huge frame all the while smiling. 

Angela's aching muscles only just let her stand and her ringing ears made her feel sick as her head spun despite all that the team made it out of the temple where the orca was waiting for them.

Onboard, Angela focused all her energy on not throwing up. Torbjorn placed his hand sympathetically on her back. Angela glanced at her staff and the people around her, nobody looked hurt but her.

Angela held her head in her hands thinking "That could have gone better."

Authors note: I was thinking I would like to show more of Hanzo's and Genji's relationship before their father died and I could do that in two ways, either I add a completely new chapter but put it before Genji is introduced or I have Genji have memories/ flashbacks in the new chapters. Or, I could not even do it at all. Please tell me what you would prefer in the comments.     

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