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There was a dark and chilling atmosphere that seemed to always hang around South Park. The crisp mountain air was now suffocated by the fumes of pollution, and hate that fueled the city. Even on the most quiet nights, it was impossible to feel relaxation.

No one visited the city anymore. It was known throughout Colorado that South Park was a dangerous city, rumors of gang violence, drugs and murders finding their way throughout the state. Although these weren't exactly rumors, it still wasn't what South Park was in its entirety. It was true that most people were suffering in the city, but the original population of the city was stubborn, and still tried to do what they could to make things better.

Of course, there were plenty of those who gave into reality. Downtown was littered with the homeless and desperate - which made that area of the city the most dangerous at night. Typically, no one dared to wander out alone at night, especially on foot. Kenny McCormick was different though, often among the despairing in the dead of night; he may not be Mysterion anymore, but he just needed to know what was going on in his hometown. The most he could do was make it known to everyone in the city that he and his friends were not ones to be messed with.

He never pictured himself in the past as someone who would own a gun, with certain events that had taken place throughout the years though, Kenny now carried a pistol on him nearly at all times. It sickened him sometimes, the fact that he even needed to carry a gun in the first place because people were now that desperate. Things were never supposed to be like this, but that's often how life works.

As he felt his gun move with his body as walked through downtown in silence, Kenny spotted about three people under a street light, obviously trading drugs and money. It was normal to see people doing these activities openly at night, yet as they saw Kenny minding his own business, they dispersed and went the opposite way. They knew who he was, and they did not want to screw with him. Too many people had found out the hard way that Kenny was scrappy and stronger than he looked - in more ways than one. He was just different, and most people didn't like his unpredictability.

Continuing on with a small smirk on his hood-shielded face, Kenny didn't flinch as a cop flew past him on the road with his lights on, not giving him a second look. It was a little surprising to even see a cop since there were only about 20 cops for the entire city; this usually meant, unfortunately, that someone had lost their life that night. It was the only reason they responded to calls anymore.

Scowling a little now at this fact, Kenny picked up his head to see the building to which he had been heading for the last twenty minutes: the corner store. He didn't have to go this far just for a couple packs of cigarettes, but he liked walking through the silence to clear his mind. Growing up like he did obviously messed him up. The last few years however, had done more damage than anything that happened when he was a kid. Watching his parents - as shitty as they were - go to prison was terrifying. If Kevin hadn't been old enough to work.. Kenny didn't even want to think where they would be now, especially Karen.

To deal with all the anger, fear and doubt in his life, Kenny liked his cigarettes. Weed and alcohol did a lot to help him too, there was just something different about how the nicotine stimulated his brain. Even though Karen hated it, there he was standing at the counter, asking the clerk for several packs. The man didn't even bother to ID him, even though Kenny had just turned 17, his experienced face made him seem older than he was. He wasn't complaining though.

On his way home now, Kenny stared up at the empty, black sky. It was strange how much was on his mind tonight. Lately, he was starting to notice himself becoming silent and thoughtful, something that wasn't his usual characteristics. He used to be the one who was constantly making jokes, and trying to get everyone to laugh. Now, he was a bit too angry to be joking around so much.

Hate My Guts (Kenny x Butters) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now