Chapter 12

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"Lu? Do you feel it?"

"Feel what?" Lucas asked, a bit puzzled.

"That Feeling. The- the one from the alley."

Lucas nodded in agreement and placed an arm around Jungwoo's shoulder in a reassuring manner, as if trying to ward away any evil spirits.

"Don’t worry though. Let's just speed walk to school so nothing happens."

The bell was already ringing as they approached the school, forcing them to immediately fall into a run before they got in trouble.

Separating once they got inside the building, Lucas quickly placed a kiss on Jungwoo's hand before dashing to class. Luckily, Jungwoo's class was close by so he could walk to it instead of wasting all his energy and gasp for air. But even so, he made his way rapidly just in case he might be marked late

Jungwoo walked in, planning to sit at the seat he always sat at but he noticed a new someone wave him over. She seemed extra nice and just because of the kindness in her gesture, he decided he would see what she wanted and then go to his seat.

"Yes?" Jungwoo asked, curious as to why this girl suddenly wanted to speak to him.

"Hi! Do you want to sit with me? I just want to get to know you a little bit."

Jungwoo was surprised at the request and contemplated a bit, deciding that nothing was stopping him from trying to make a friend so he agreed.


He took a seat and the girl smiled brightly at him.

"My name is Chaemin!" she said happily and Jungwoo found her smile contagious. "I just wanted to talk to you a little bit because I find you and Lucas really adorable together and I just wanted to let you know that if there are any people that don’t like you for you, I’ll deal with them! People might look down because I’m a girl but that doesn’t mean anything because I have now claimed you as my friend."

Jungwoo was shocked. He never met a girl like her before and he was suddenly happy she was now his friend. But funnily enough, she seemed oddly familiar although he had ever met her.

"Thanks a- a lot. That's very kind."

"No problem!"

“Have I met you- you before? You’re familiar.”

“No, but Johnny is my brother and I know you know him.”

Oh. That made sense. He nodded his understanding and although he had heard all about the sister, Johnny had never introduced her to them for some reason. Weird. But it seemed to simply be an older protective brother action.

Jungwoo settled down to listen to get ready for class but right as he was finishing up, he felt a glare burning into the side of his head but when he turned to look, there was no one looking at him. He shrugged it off as his imagination.

The school day dragged on slowly, almost painfully. Luckily, it was soon enough time for Lucas to wait outside of Jungwoo's last class to go home where the pink-haired male bounced out of the class in excitement and clung to the taller’s arm. Lucas smiled down at him in fondness, then led him out of the miserable building.

Taeyong had agreed to pick them up which was honestly a win for their tired bodies especially since the two had walked far during the lunch hour but they were more than glad to have a ride home. No walking back in the hot evening sun.

The moment they got home, they went to deal with whatever they needed to do and that's when Jungwoo realized he needed paper for a project he had to do for the next day. Screw the teachers for giving homework on the second day back.

Trust? - LuWoo ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now