Chapter 23

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"Is he- he okay?" Jungwoo asked with a sad voice, holding Lucas' hand weakly, his empty stomach rumbling loudly yet seeming as if he didnt even notice it. The purple flower earrings glistened in the hospital room, almost in a mocking way because, after all, light represented life and darkness was death. The earrings seemed to tell everyone that even if Lucas so happened to die, they’d continue living and shining, a constant reminder to Jungwoo that not everyone got their fairytale ending.

"Yes, dear. He'll be fine, he just passed out from pain," the doctor explained, patting Jungwoo's shoulder gently and frowning at the weird contact against his hand. "Have you been eating? You don't feel so well."

Jungwoo looked up slowly, blinking as if he were trying to see properly and mayhaps he really was. The world wasn't very stable and things looked blotchy but hey, he was living and breathing so it was okay.

"Yeah, I- I have eaten."


And that Jungwoo couldn't answer. Hell he wished he'd pass out as well but before he knew it, he was being led away from his love and given food that he was to eat under close supervision. 

He wished Lucas would wake up and distract everyone or he wished that Jaehyun wasn’t busy setting up trial for the four near murderers or he wished Ten and Johnny were with him instead of scolding Chaemin outside the hospital for setting up such a reckless idea.

He slowly and painfully tried eating and even though he could feel himself craving the food and desperately wanting to eat, he physically couldn't. He tried but only allowed a little, lest he accidentally empty out the contents of his stomach upon the floor.

The doctor had assigned a nurse to watch him and as he finished a forkful, Jaehyun appeared at the doorway with Taeyong trailing behind.

"May I enter?" Jaehyun asked, allowing himself in anyway. "I just want to tell Jungwoo about the court case."

Once the two were settled, the nurse didn’t leave but instead stood in a corner to watch how Jungwoo would behave now that he had eaten and he still had food in front of him.

"So what do you- you want to tell me?" Jungwoo asked.

"Well, as you know, Chaemin set all this up. She got me to play a role because I study law and figured if I was the one to get police to the scene and testify to what could be heard from where I stood out of the alley, it'd be much more easily believable since I plan to bring justice to the country in coming years," Jaehyun explained. "As she assumed, it was easier indeed and even more so after getting the footage from that oddly specific placed camera."

Jungwoo nodded, realizing Chaemin really did make things a little too perfectly set up but it didn't really matter.


"Well, Chaemin seemed to also have some even more oddly specific footage to testify against them for several of their crimes including the near beating you got but it was hard trying to tell the officers that you couldn't be blamed for any of the actions although at the time you two were dating," Jaehun explained with a frown.

Thats right, some places were still homophobic and of course they would think that they deserved that treatment for being gay.

"Say, what were you doing there?" Taeyong suddenly asked, realizing Jungwoo wasn't supposed to be present at all.

"Chaemin told me- me to meet her in the building," Jungwoo explained. "She said that- that she wanted me to see something."

The couple frowned. They saw no reason that Chaemin would bring Jungwoo to the scene at that time but possibly there was an underlying reason that they didn't know of.

The three sat quietly for a moment and even the thundering set of two pairs of footsteps running past didn't seem to bother them. They sat thinking and running things over, Jungwoo concerned but unwilling to move and Taeyong simply trying to look at the situation from all angles.

Jaehyun, on the other hand, was simply focusing on the fact that this was his first slight experience for life as a lawyer and unfortunately, he had to thank Chaemin for that.

Mayhaps she was indeed an angel in disguise.

"Oh, by the way, by the looks of it, the four will either be sent to a labour camp or to jail, whichever the judge sees fit," Jaehyun announced randomly. "And also be charged for hiring prostitutes which Chaemin also had suspicious yet concrete evidence for."

Jungwoo nodded slowly, wanting to curse Chaemin for always doing things she probably shouldn't be doing. Really, everyone thought she was an angel but Jungwoo just knew she was a whole ass demon in disguise. 

He could speak for himself.

“That guy also seemed to confess that he did that all because he liked Lucas,” Taeyong said slowly, his eyebrows furrowed. “I think he wanted to catch his attention or bind him to himself? Whatever the reason, he’s stupid.”

Jungwoo’s eyes widened, unable to believe such a thing and really, it was indeed fucking stupid. They had gone through so much pain and trouble and then there was god damn Jinwoo ruining lives because he claimed to have a crush? That just wouldn’t work.

Just as everyone was going to fall back into a weird silence, Taeyong holding Jaehyun's hand in his lovingly, another nurse knocked on the door and entered.

"It seems Lucas is awake. He has other guests though, so I'm not sure if you'll want to wait."

Jungwoo shook his head, there was no reason that whoever was in there was more important than him seeing Lucas. Or so he thought.

"It's okay. I'll go."

The couple stayed at the table, allowing Jungwoo to go first before they'd follow behind shortly and greet Lucas awake. Afterall, he had been passed out for nearly three hours at that point.

Jungwoo didn't bother knocking, assuming it was just someone else like Johnny or Ten but boy was he wrong and wished he had at least had manners to announce his presence once he arrived.

"-think that's why I'd stop loving you?!"


"Oh my sweet summer child! Your Momma would never stop loving you for having a boyfriend! Where is he?!"

Lucas shifted uncomfortably on his bed, his ear gripped in his Mother's clutches but he didn’t see Jungwoo.

"That's the problem. I broke up with him even though we didn't want to," Lucas explained, leaving out obvious details.

Mrs Wong gasped. Unbelievable!

"Why?! Was it because of those little shits?!"

Lucas nodded slowly, his eyes trailing away from his Mother before they fell on Jungwoo and his breath hitched. He wanted to cry, apologize, beg, run, disappear, embrace. He wanted to do so many things but he couldn't. Not with Jungwoo standing before him like an angel.

But he wasn't the stereotypical angel. He was an angel that inspired fear, terrorizing people yet, also brining good and in this case, Jungwoo was heavily brining forth that aura while simultaneously looking like the sterotypical, ethereal, angel. Lucas was terrified to be rejected and never looked at but also, he felt happiness bloom in him to see the man he truly loved.

Trust? - LuWoo ✔︎Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα