Chapter 10

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The feeling of eyes on them didn't escape Lucas and he glanced around just to see his so-called friends staring at them. At this point, they were no longer friends and Lucas felt relief go over him when he came to that conclusion. 

How had he even stuck around them for so long?

He couldn't let Jungwoo out of his sight after what he had been told yesterday and he made it his only goal to be there for the older as much as he could. There was a time where he used to be labelled as a playboy even though he wasn’t, and only called that because of his looks without them knowing anything but now, he had to show that he only cared for one person and one person only.

"Woo, we share homeroom as our only class, right?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Just make sure you always stay around others and when you're with me, don’t leave my sight, okay?"

"Sure, but why?"

"Because I have a feeling something bad might happen."

A look of concern crossed Jungwoo's face and he quickly grabbed onto Lucas' hand but let go less than a second later when he realized Lucas might not want to be seen like that.

Lucas noticed his boyfriend’s reaction and instantly felt bad. The day before he had only held Jungwoo's hand because he was certain no one he knew would see them but now that they were in school and everyone he knew could see them, he wasn't sure. But after a moment of contemplation, he grabbed onto the older’s hand and kept his uncertainty away. 

It didn’t matter who saw them because now, the only people that he didn't want to see them had already found out and all they had to do was watch out for their nasty tricks.

"Y'know, you don’t have to- to hold onto my hand if you don’t- don’t want to," Jungwoo said, glancing up at his boyfriend’s handsome face.

"It’s okay. Why wouldn't I want to hold my own boyfriend’s hand?"

"Because maybe you don’t want to be- to be seen with me?"

"Oh no, no, no. Baby," Lucas frowned. "Of course I want to be seen with you. Why else would I date you if I just wanted to hide away from you?"

Jungwoo shrugged and rested his head on Lucas' shoulder as they walked to class. There were numerous stares and even though Lucas didn't really mind, he wasn't really used to all the attention. 


"Yes, baby?"

"I think I- I might get hungry and eat today."

Lucas felt excitement rush through him and he stopped to wrap Jungwoo in a hug.

"Oh that’s amazing! Why don’t I take you out for a meal? You haven't had a proper one in several days."

"That would be nice."

"But will you be okay? Just last night you were retching out your guts."

Jungwoo sighed and looked into Lucas' eyes. 

"I know it’s not good to- to eat the way I do but I’m used to it already and I- and I know I’ll be fine. So let’s just go to class."

"Alright. I’ll come and get you at your class door at lunch, okay?"

Jungwoo nodded. They had almost made it to the class door when Jinwoo and the other ex-friends marched right past them, purposely hitting Lucas' shoulder with their ones on the way past. It took Lucas all he had not to grab them and slam them against the wall to knock the lights out of them.

"It starts now," Jinwoo hissed, entering the class.

"What starts?" Jungwoo asked, looking at Lucas only to be shocked at his furious expression.

"Don’t worry, Woo. They're just a bunch of disgusting asshats but as long as we steer clear of them, we should be fine."


"Exactly that. But don’t let them get to you, alright? I've heard that it's usually the homophobic bullies that are normally gay themselves and just trying to cover it up. So for now, let’s hope they will soon come to realize if they are," Lucas responded, kind of surprised at his sudden burst of knowledge. 

"Oh, all right."

They took their seats for homeroom and the teacher began as soon as the bell rang. It was boring. All their homeroom teacher spoke about was the complaints of other teachers, about her perfect son in his last year of college that no one cared about, the students who were late, and the upcoming exams no one really cared about until two weeks before they would take place.

"Okay, class. Homeroom is ending in a few seconds so please pack up and get ready to go to your next class."

Everyone in the room felt relieved about that and glad that there was no homework rushing to be done since it was only the second day of class. At least teachers weren’t feeling mean that year compared to years where homework was assigned from the very first period.

"I’ll meet you after the fifth period, okay?"

Jungwoo nodded and kissed Lucas' cheek before walking to his next class. The soft action made Lucas smile in fondness but his moment was short lived by someone talking to him.

"You guys are adorable together," a girl from the class commented, smiling at Lucas. 

"Oh, uh, thanks?" Lucas awkwardly replied, turning his face away, unsure of how to react.

"No problem! Just make sure no nasty homophobes burst your bubble."

She left the class and Lucas felt a smirk grow on his face. 

That girl. 

The girl he knew Jinwoo had a crush on. There would be no way she would date his ex-best friend knowing what kind of person he was. Lucas glanced to where the group usually sat and saw the anger shining on Jinwoo's face. 

"She'll never agree," Lucas said, letting out a laugh.

"Wait until she sees you in a pulp on the floor and then she'll definitely agree. What kind of girl would reject a muscular guy who is able to beat up people like you?"

"To be honest, most of them would reject you."

Lucas walked out of the class and dashed to his next class before an argument would ensue. He wasn’t in the mood of fighting with them and decided that the day he would fight, would be the day blood would be shed. 

The classes passed painfully slowly but the second the bell for the fifth period rang, Lucas packed his shit and ran to find his adorable, fluffy-haired boyfriend where he promised to find him.

"You ready?" Lucas asked, grabbing Jungwoo's small hand the moment he stepped out of his class.

"Yup. I think I can eat a- a lot today."

Lucas smiled warmly and started walking out of the school campus. He started up a conversation with a lot of expressive hand gestures and during one very large hand movement, he accidentally smacked someone on the chest. 

"Oh I'm sorr-" Lucas stopped when he realized who he had hit. 

"Watch it," Jinwoo spat, pushing Lucas and walking past.

He disappeared down an alley and when Lucas and Jungwoo walked past it, they felt a cold vibe coming from it causing them to shiver. Lucas got bad feelings just looking in it and knew it wasn't a place he'd want to walk in, nor would he want to be around the area after dark.

"Whatever you do, Woo, don’t you dare walk past this alley by yourself. Especially not in the evenings."

"Why not? We have to- to pass it to get to the- to the store."

"I understand but please take someone with you because I don’t trust it."

Lucas felt something in his stomach twist and he just hoped nothing bad would ever happen because of that stupid alley.

Trust? - LuWoo ✔︎Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang