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"Babe this isn't good." Dinah said as we speed through traffic. "Babygirl relax. I got this." I said. I swerved in front of another car making them hit their breaks. Which resulted in multiple cars crashing into them. "Oops." I said. "Y/n we're supposed to be getting away. Not attracting people." Dinah said and smacked my arm. "Well you told me to go fast. Remember that Sonic go fast joke you made?" I argued. "Girls it doesn't matter anyways. Police are on our ass anyways. They're coming from both sides. And there's a helicopter on up." Camila said.

I rubbed my hand over my chin as I thought. "Ok were taking a detour." I said as more cops showed up. I speeding up and turned onto a highway. "Chill out on the turns. I dropped my banana." Camila said. "Ok which one is it? Get away or get caught? Cause it seems y'all want to get caught." I asked. "I will cut you." She threatened. "Are y'all on your cycles? Cause y'all have have been very mean to me today." I pouted. "No... but we will be." Dinah whined.

"Ok I'm bored now. I'm gonna shoot some cops." Camila said creaking to the back. "And I'm gonna to blow up the helicopter." Dinah pushed the red button. "Ohhh!" I swerved as the propellers almost fell on my car. "Jesus Christ." I mumbled. I saw spikes being laid down so took an opening into the opposite side of the highway. "Ha! Suckers!" I laughed as one of them angrily kicked their car. "Watch out y'all. If I was y'all I would go the opposite way too." I said. "PULLOVER NOW!" A cop yelled in his megaphone.

Oh I got one too. "YOU PULLOVER FIRST!" I yelled back. "ITS OVER Y/N! JUST GIVE UP!" He said. "AND YOU HOT ONE MO TIME TO YELL AT ME!" I said. I got off the highway and got onto a dirt road. "What hell! Why we going up a mountain?" Camila asked. "Just trust me." I said. When we got to the top we got out. Cops instantly doing the same pointing guns. I handcuffed myself to one of the two girls arms. "Woah are we jumping in the ocean?" Dinah asked. "Y'all can swim right?" I asked. Camila nodded. "Yes but my hair." Dinah whined out. "That's all I needed to know." I took off running to the edge of the cliff. Forcing them to falling and jumping over the edge.

5 years later (you three are 23)

Normani's POV

I ate my ice cream as Lauren, Ally, and I walked the streets of New York. We decided to catch up and go shopping together. "I can't believe today marks 5 years since Camila, Y/n, and Dinah committed suicide." Ally said. She stared up at a big screen that showed a news report of them. They do it every year. There's even a movie about them. We were in it since we were their only survivors and knew their story's. "Me too. It's still kinda hard to believe." I said.

"Honestly I kinda miss them. Yeah they did some bad things. But they were cool with us." Lauren said. "I do too." I mumbled. Out of nowhere the TVs started acting weird. Grey and black lines were all that was showing. Then Y/n, Dinah, and Camila appeared on all the screens. "What the fuck." I mumbled. Everyone around was just as confused.

"Hello humans of the world!" Camila said spreading her arms wide. "Is this real?" Ally asked. "For any of you asking is this a real video. Yes it is. This is broadcasting live across the us." Dinah says. "I'm so confused." Lauren said placing her hands on her face. "Now many of you thought we were dead for five years. But we're not." Dinah says. "We been in our house chilling! Good luck trying to find us!" Y/n says. Camila smacks her head. "They don't need to know all of that." She says to her through gritted teeth. "Whatever. Look we only here to says hello again from the dead. And get ready for some fun." The screens cut off before going back to what they originally were showing. Everyone was freaking out. "I don't know about y'all... but I'm moving off the grid."

The End


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