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"Congrats guys! I didn't think you had what it took took to successfully rob a bank." I said as three guys sat around my dinner table for lunch. I drunk some of my wine and smirked behind my cup. They ate and talked among each other. "Alright I think it's been long enough. Show me the money." I told them. They cleared the table off. Grabbed six bags and emptied them on my table. Money flowed out and some even falling to the floor or my lap.

"It's all there boss. Even more than expected." Mark said. "And you were right. A bag for everyone." Charles said. "Actually no. None of you are getting anything." I said. "What! We got that money for you!" Tony yelled making me chuckle. "Yes but I got you all a very special gift." I told them with a wicked smile on my face. "And what's that?" He asked glaring at me.

"Woah calm down there tiger. It's just a little poison I mixed in your wine." I said and looked at my watch. "Why you bitch!" The three men tried attacking me but they started gasping for air. "Now you all be good little boys and keep the house clean. I don't want to see a mess when I get back." I said grabbing my jacket and keys.


"Hey Lauren." I said as she let me in her and Normani's house. "Hey glad you could make it." She said. We went to the living where the girls were at. They were playing Just Dance. "Hello ladies." I greeted and sat on the couch beside Camila. "Hush up girl. I'm in the zone." Normani said. "Are you hungry? We got pizza in the kitchen. We may have bought to many." Camila told me.

I chuckled and shook my head. "I'm good. I ate before I got here." I said. "I can give you dessert then." She said and placed her hand on my thigh. "Camila leave the poor girl alone. You got her blushing over there." Lauren said giggling. "How?! How am I getting straight x's." Dinah screamed. "You just suck at this." Ally said. "My remotes dead. What the fuck!" Dinah said making us laugh.

"How about you play Y/n?" Ally asked. "I don't really like dancing. Plus I'm not good." I said. "Well that's ok. You can play Camila then. She's not that good at this either." Normani said. "Alright then I'll play." I said. I took Normani's controller and stood up. "Only one tho."


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