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Dinah's POV

"Hey Dinah." Nela greeted me. He went to hug me but I cringed and held my hand up to stop him. I sat on the the bleachers. But keeping a distance between us. "So why'd you wanna meet up?" He asked me. "I wanted to ask you questions regarding our past relationship." I said making him groan. "Look Dinah I thought we were just going to hang out. But if your going to ask me the same questions I'm just going to leave." He said.

He stood to leave but when he turned he ran into Y/n. Camila showed up beside me with a camera. "Your not going anywhere." Y/n said lowly. It kinda turned me on. "Who are you?" Nela asked. "Hi... you can call me diablo, your worst nightmare, daddy, or joker. But I prefer Y/n or Joker." She said with a sarcastic smile. "Ok? Look I got to go." He went to leave again but Y/n pushed him down and pulled out a gun.

"Dinah what is this?" Nela asked. "Now that i have your attention I have a few questions." I said. "What is it?" He asked fearfully. "This is really just for closure I don't need. This more of my revenge. I just wanna know why you did it?" I asked. "Did what?" He asked. "Why'd you hit? Why'd you cheat on me when all I ever did was try to be the best girlfriend? Why did you rape me when I told you no over and over again?" I asked as anger started building up. Y/n's eyes flared with anger

When he didn't speak she cocked her gun and pressed it to his head. Nela's tough act dropped as a sob escaped his throat. "I'm sorry! I don't know why I did it! I'm so sorry! I'll never hurt anyone ever again! Just please don't kill me!" He begged. "Oh now your sorry? All this time you could've apologized. But the second a gun is to your head you're sorry?" I asked and let out a wicked smile. "Oh honey didn't your mother ever teach not to mess with anyone?" I asked and pulled out a knife I had hidden in my sleeve.

"Because they could easy end up like me." I plunged the knife into his chest and twisted my wrist. Nela screamed out in agony. "How does it feel to be helpless one?" I asked as I repeatedly stabbed him. "To not know what to do. Or who to turn to. Except the difference is... you won't survive this." I said and smirked. I slowly pulled out the knife and pushed my hair. "Ok I'm done. Let's go eat." I told Y/n and Camila. "Turn off that damn camera." I told Camila and pushed the camera down. "Crazy to calm? I love it when do that." Y/n said.


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