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"Your really leaving the group?" Ally asked sadly. "Both of you?" Lauren asked this time. She looked more upset than sad. "We're really sorry girls. We just want to explore more. Find out what we are capable of doing." Dinah said. "Yeah. Dinah and I have been talking to each other. We both agree that we aren't really able to be ourselves and show the world what we really can do. Sometimes I just want to get out there and get a crazy." Camila said.

"Did you already know about this Y/n?" Normani asked me. "Not until this morning. They asked me to bring them here so they could tell you themselves." I lied. "Oh... well I understand why y'all would want to leave. It just won't be the same without you two." Normani said and played with her fingers. "I know. We'll missed you all very much too. Your like family to me. I'm sure Camila could say the same." Dinah said. The shorter girlfriend beside her nodded.

"Well come give me a hug. I really need it." Ally said. Dinah smiled and stood up to hug the older girl. Then that turned into a group hug that I somehow was forced into. "1... 2... 3... ok that's enough for me." I said and moved away. They hugged for a few more before letting go. I saw that they all had tears running down their face. Girls... always so emotional. And I know I'm a girl to. Im just not emotional like them.

"We have to go. But I'll make sure to text or call." Camila said. They all hug one last time. I even hugged the three girls as well. Then we walked out the house and got in my car. "I'm actually going to miss them." Camila said and leaned her head on the window. "Me too. They're the closet family I've ever had." Dinah said. "What about you Y/n?" Dinah asked as o started driving down the road. "I guess I'll miss them too." And crazy enough... it was the truth.

A/n~and now I'm back.


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