Chapter Twenty Six

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Chapter Twenty Six

-Elisa Emerson's POV-

Pan and I excitedly strode into camp, the Lost Boys immediately rushing over to us. My arm was wrapped around Pan's torso protectively as I watched him slowly recover, his body gradually getting used to the foreign heart placed inside his chest.

I was grinning like a mad woman. I could not help but keep glancing at the boy that I grew to helplessly love dearly and so passionately. He was okay. Peter Pan was okay.

"Is it over? Is it done?" Felix asked eagerly as he watched the two of us.

Pan grinned cheekily at them and then looked over at me, his eyes twinkling in admiration, appreciation and affection.

"Yes. It's over." He whispered, but all of us heard him.

Everyone screamed in delight and Luke quickly stepped over a log around the put out bonfire.

"THIS CALLS FOR A CELEBRATION!" Luke yelled excitedly and my pupils dilated in sudden alarm.

I whipped my head and made eye contact with Connor, who looked equally surprised as I was.

"Blimey! The idiot actually has feelings!" Connor yelled amusedly and we all erupted in a fit of laughter.

I subconsciously pulled Pan closer towards me, feeling the need to feel his warmth as a form of assurance that he was actually here – alive and breathing.

Pan sincerely smiled down at me and lowered his head slightly. He placed his lips against my forehead and gently kissed it, causing me to smile and conceal my face in his chest shyly.

"We may celebrate at night when the stars are scattered all over the sky, but as of now," He paused and looked down at me. "I'm quite fatigued and my body is still adjusting and I'm still weak. I need a little more time, yes? I'll be in my hut if anyone needed me."

I stood on my toes and kissed his lips softly. "Get some rest, love."

He smirked down at me tightened his grip around my waist. "Oh, you're coming with me."

I laughed as he grabbed my hand and pulled me with him to his hut.

"Oh am I? Having me as company when you are exhausted will certainly not be of any help to you, Pan."

"Don't be ridiculous, my love!" He yelled, throwing his arms up in the air excitedly after pushing his hut's door closed after yanking me eagerly inside.

I couldn't help but stare at him amusedly. This boy seemed to be an entirely different person now. The childishness in his forest green swirls in his eyes radiated some form of comfort and adoration that was simply unexplainable, for it seemed that he was far too innocent than how he actually was. The shimmering light in his eyes exposed his raw happiness – and who could blame him? He was finally free of death's lingering, taunting presence upon him. He was to be the strongest boy on the island, and dare I say it, the strongest boy in the universe. Once he fully recovers, nothing can stop him. Nothing.

His face was full of colour. His pink cheeks gave off the hint that he was warm, full of life, and absolutely healthy. His beautifully crafted lips were pulled upwards into a devious, playful grin, exposing his white, perfectly shaped teeth. Everything about him was inexplicably radiant and vibrant. How could one not love him?

Peter delicately wrapped his arms around my waist and gently pushed me against the door. He smiled gently to me and I placed my hands on his cheeks, smiling back at me.

"I have to thank you. I wouldn't be alive right now if it weren't for you." He murmured ever so softly, the sincerity laced within every syllable that slipped between his teeth and lips.

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