Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

I glared harshly at the target before me that was clung against a tree. I held up the arrow and slammed it against my bow, before releasing it and it whizzed into the air and smacked the target.

A bullseye.

Lock arrow, pull string, aim, release.

I repeated this process multiple times as Pan stood to the side, watching the Lost Boys and I triumphantly.

The bastard was still smug after victoriously winning the battle against me.

I locked my jaw and gritted my teeth before aggressively releasing another arrow, hitting the centre of the target once again.

After losing to Pan, I had no choice but to practice with the boys.

"That's enough for today, lads. Back to camp for dinner." He called out as he slowly walked back to camp, his back facing us.

I glared at his back harshly, fighting off the urge to shoot an arrow at his back and snap his spinal chord so that he'd be paralysed for eternity.

We trudged back to camp. I walked silently on the dirt beneath me that started to contaminate my black boots as the Lost Boys chattered noisily and talked about what could be for dinner.

We made it to camp, and Pan was standing next to a lit up bonfire in the centre of the clearing.

"It's your turn to cook, Luke. Take Elisa with you so she can learn a couple of things by the time it's her turn to cook."

Luke rolled his eyes but said, "Yes, Pan." And started walking towards a hut that wasn't occupied by Pan or any of the Lost Boys.

I gave Pan a look of disbelief. "I don't cook, Pan."

Pan only grinned in response. "Which is why Luke will teach you!"

I grunted but stomped my way towards the hut that Luke went through.

I pushed the door open and sighed heavily. Furrowing my eyebrows, I realised that this wasn't an ordinary hut. It was more like a storage place where they kept all the food and drinks. I spotted Luke near the meat section and I shuffled over to him, not minding the putrid stench of raw meat - I was used to the stench of blood anyway.

"So what are we cooking today?" I asked as I stood behind him, watching him chop off the rope that was tying the animal to the rooftop with a sharp blade.

"Deer." Luke stated simply and I hummed in response.

"Need help with anything?" I asked as I crossed my arms and watched him intently.

Luke snapped his head back towards me and gave me an irritated glance.

"Pan wants you to stay out of trouble, which is why he put you in cooking duty with me. He doesn't want you to 'learn' how to cook, because he already knows you can. That lie you said back there? Yeah, he knew you were lying about not cooking." Luke muttered inaudibly, but I heard every word he said as he heaved up the deer and carried it on his back.

I raised an eyebrow. "How'd he know I was -"

"You're an eighteen year old thief who lives on her own in a forest - meaning, you're independent. That means you must have learnt to cook for yourself. You can't exactly enter the village markets because you're wanted and everyone knows your face. That means you hunt for yourself and you cook for yourself. Any person with a sensible mind could figure that out, Elisa. Don't try to outsmart any of us - especially Pan."

I clamped my mouth shut, not having anything to say back, for the first time ever.

"Now if you really want to help, grab the spices from that cabinet and let's head outside."

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