Chapter Twenty Two

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Chapter Twenty Two

I awoke to the sound of barbaric, rapid knocking against my hut's door. I couldn't help but blink several times as my brain tried to register what was going on or where I even was, because I was still half asleep.


I heard Connor's hollers on the opposite end of the door and I groaned loudly and got up from bed.

The rapid knocking didn't cease however, and I started growing irritated.

So I charged over towards the door, swung it open and punched Connor's arm furiously.

"OW!" He yelled and immediately cradled his arm.

I rolled my eyes. "Next time, a few knocks would suffice."

"You're a heavy sleeper, a few knocks won't do anything to wake you up." He snapped.

I didn't have anything to say in return, because he was right.

I pursed my lips then sighed heavily. "Right then, get on with it, Connor. What was the racket about?"

"We," he grinned, "are all going hunting in a short while. Grab some breakfast and let's head out into the forest."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "We're out of food already? We just went hunting a couple of days ago."

Luke was just passing by my hut when he heard my retort and he winked my way.

"We're teaching little Henry how to hunt." He said.

My frown turned into a perfect smirk instead. "Pan has a plan, eh? Well then I better have breakfast quickly."

I walked back into my hut and changed into my light green cloak and black tight pants. I then walked out of my hut and approached the centre of camp, where Jason was handing out wooden plates filled with scrambled eggs and bacon.

I smiled at Jason as he handed me my plate and I went to sit on a log by myself. I nibbled on some bacon before I heard Jake's childish voice behind me.

"Hi, Elisa!" He chirped as he hopped onto the log and made himself comfortable.

I grinned at the boy. "Hi, Jake! Slept well?"

He nodded eagerly as he shovelled the scrambled egg into his mouth. I chuckled and looked back at my plate and reached for the eggs.

I felt someone sit on my other side and I glanced to my right and found Henry awkwardly sitting beside me and staring at the ground. 

"What's wrong, Henry?" I asked with a frown.

The boy lifted his head and looked at me blankly.

"Nothing, I'm just waiting for my moms to come get me. They're coming; I know they are." He stated firmly and I raised an eyebrow.

"I don't see the point, Henry." I said, and he looked at me quizzically.

"What I mean is," I started, "you don't need your parents around to show you what living is all about. Why are we born, Henry, if we're not going to do as we please? Our parents only suppress us from doing what we want. Here in Neverland, you are given that freedom."

I stood up and handed Henry my almost full plate with a smile on my lips.

"Eat well, Henry. You'll need all the energy you can get for what is to come." I winked as he took my plate from my hand and I walked away towards Pan's hut.

The moment I was about to knock on Pan's hut's door, he swung it open and stared smugly at me.

"Well good morning, love." He spoke teasingly and leaned forward and kissed my lips sweetly.

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