Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

I slammed my hand against my chest where my heart was located as I tried to regain the breath that was knocked out of me.

"Connor." I hissed. "What are you doing here?!"

I had to whisper so that Pan doesn't take note of our presence near his hut.

"Saving your ass, that's what." Connor snapped in a harsh whisper before grasping my arm and pulling me away from the Danger Zone.

Connor dragged me away from camp and towards one of the paths.

After several protests from me and him ignoring my angry attempts to escape his grasp, I started to grow wary but I didn't make it evident.

"I swear to god I'll kick you in the balls if you don't let go of me right now, Connor, I don't want to fucking hurt you." I warned him.

Connor released my arm exasperatedly. "I'm not kidnapping you, Elisa, I just ..." He took a deep breath and pinched the bridge of his nose as he fluttered his eyes shut. "I want to show you something."

He started walking ahead of me and I watched him for a couple of seconds before curiously following him.

"Where are we going?" I asked quietly as we walked side by side.

Connor didn't look at me as he spoke and I had to look up at him due to the difference in our height. His caramel eyes darkened slightly, mirroring the darkness around us, but he knew where he was leading us.

"Some place that's beautiful during the day, but even more breathtaking at night." He spoke in wonder as he finally pushed away the bushes to reveal the beach.

I stood in awe as I absorbed in the scene before my eyes. Connor is right. This place is breathtaking - it knocked the breath out of my system.

The starts littered the sky, taking up every available space on the black carpet above us. The moon was situated on the side, brightening up the sky further and illuminating the beach. The dark coloured waves rippled as they washed the shore gently as the sand yearned for it's next connection with the water. The sound of the waves and the soft wind blowing around us was enough to make every cell in my wellbeing to relax. My legs pulled me towards the water and I carelessly dipped my bare feet into the water and found myself grinning uncontrollably.

Connor walked up behind me and whispered, "it's beautiful, isn't it?"

I craned my neck to look at him while grinning. "It's flawless." I said.

Connor shifted his eyes from the water to my face, and he had the smallest smile on his face that caused my heart to well up with warmth and contentment.

"Why'd you take me here?" I murmured.

"Well," he started and pressed his chest against my back gently as I stared at the waves crashing against the shore and wetting my feet.

Connor placed his hand delicately on my hip while his other hand played with a strand of my hair. "First of all, to save your sorry ass."

I laughed and leaned my body against him. "Second?" I asked.

"Second, I wanted to share something memorable with you." He spoke in a low tone and I turned around to face him.

His hands dropped and pulled away from me as I gazed up at him curiously. "But why?" I whispered.

"You had a rough day. Must've been frustrating to lose against Pan, but what'd you expect?" My eyes narrowed to slits at the mention of Pan's name and I clenched my fists. "That guy is a bastard. He manipulated me to win."

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