Chapter Twenty Three

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Chapter Twenty Three

*Peter Pan's POV*

Every time I fall into unconsciousness, I witness terrible things that await my demise. I catch glimpses of my morbid fate in the underworld if I died. Every time I visit the wretched prison, and every time I am met with Hades - God of the underworld, I only feel intensely determined to save my life and never have to fall into death's embrace.

I sat close to the fire pit, glaring harshly at the put out fire and clutching a red apple in my hand, unbitten.

After Felix successfully pulled my soul out of the underworld, I was quite shaken up, and I could safely tell that Elisa was panicking, and so she insisted that I go back to camp and rest.

The next morning, here I was, sitting in the centre of camp and letting my mind wander off to my terrifying outcome if my plan were to fail.

I felt someone slowly sit beside me on the log and I shifted my head slightly to see who it was that decided to accompany me.

Henry was staring at me hesitantly, yet curiously. He seemed troubled, yet relieved. It obviously perplexed me to see such contrasting expressions on his face all at once, but I hadn't the energy, nor the patience to question it.

"You gave us all one hell of a scare." Henry stated feebly as he fiddled with loose strings of his shirt nervously.

I smiled slightly at the boy. "My apologies, Henry, for there are some things that even I can't control."

Henry looked up at me and pursed his lips. "You don't deserve to die."

I let out a harsh, bitter laugh and shook my head hopelessly.

"I think I do deserve it, Henry. And whether I deserve it or not, it does not change the fact that I am dying. I will eventually disappear from the Earth, and so will Neverland, taking with it everyone who resides here, including yourself. So I have forced upon you and my friends a fate that none of you deserve. Tell me, Henry, do you still think I deserve to live?"

Henry stared at me shockingly, mutely as he blinked several times.

I sighed and diverted my gaze back at the fire pit.

"All I wanted was a family." I whispered, and I knew Henry heard me, because he stood up and spoke.

"I want you to come with me and show me something cool." He said.

I furrowed my eyebrows questionably. "What are you playing at, Henry?" I asked exasperatedly, feeling my heart weaken and weaken by the second.

Henry shook his head. "Nothing, I promise. It's just that - I want to do something fun."

I bit my lower lip and thought about it for a moment.

Suddenly, an idea dawned on me and made itself home in my whirring mind.

I smirked deviously at Henry and quirked my eyebrow.

"You know what, Henry? I think I have an exquisite adventure for the both of us."


"A lake? That's your definition of adventure?" Henry's voice bounced against the murky waters of Mermaid Lagoon and caused it to ripple.

I smirked as we both stood on a large boulder. I bent down and dipped my hand into the water.

"It's not just a lake, Henry. Everything about Neverland is unique. This here - is Mermaid Lagoon." I spoke without directing my vision upon his figure, though I could sense him tense up behind me.

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