Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

We stood in a horizontal line in front of Pan in the Training Clearing as he explained the rules of the game, or practice.

"Here's how we'll be doing it." Pan stated and his gaze lingered on me for a few moments before he diverted his stare to no one in particular.

I clenched my fists irritably. He was acting like yesterday had never happened. He pretended that he knew nothing of my mysterious secret that even I had no clue about.

Meanwhile, Connor had tried several times to carry out a conversation with me, but I successfully blew him off every time until he had given up.

I was standing with Luke on my left and Jason on my right. Luke was giving Pan a neutral expression, like he always did, and Jason was standing with a straight back and listening attentively to Pan's instructions.

"Everyone will get a turn with everyone. The person who wins the most number of duels gets to have any item from skull rock."

Jake gasped as his eyes widened slightly. "But Pan! Everything in skull rock belongs to you!"

Luke rolled his eyes. "He doesn't have to worry because he always wins, you idiot."

I shot a glare at Luke as the eight year old boy pouted in embarrassment.

"Don't fucking talk to him like that." I spat at him and Luke just sighed exaggeratedly heavily.

"What's the matter, skilled thief with no heart? Got a soft spot for little Jake?" Pan asked amusedly as he crossed his arms whilst smirking at me.

I completely ignored his remark and instead, I asked him a question. "What is Skull Rock anyway?"

"It's a huge island made of rocks, forming a skull shape where Pan keeps all his treasure." Connor explained briefly.

"It's where you chopped off Hook's hand!" Jason exclaimed towards Pan.

Peter stood up straight and puffed out his chest arrogantly at the mention of his achievement.

"Yes and then I turned it to gold, and it's kept in Skull Rock." Pan boasted with an agonisingly irritating grin.

I raised an eyebrow. "Why would you chop off his hand?"

Pan smiled my way evilly. "He attempted theft from Skull Rock. He had to be punished."

"Why not just kill him?"

"Now, now, Elisa, where's the fun in that? Making someone suffer is far more entertaining." Pan winked and I pulled a disgusted face.

Although I had some blood on my hands, I always tried to avoid hurting anyone unless I had no other choice. Yes, I'm heartless, but watching someone suffer does not bring me joy.

"So can we start playing now, Pan?" Felix drawled with his famous lazy smirk plastered on his scarred face as he crossed his arms over his chest and eyed Peter intently.

Pan's eyes glinted with mischief and excitement, like that of a child's, yet his was far more alluring and dangerous than I thought.

"Everybody grab a sword." He stated.

I shuffled over with the rest of the boys and grabbed a random sword off the floor and inspected it. I nodded in approval to myself after checking if the sword was sharp and strong.

"Okay boys, and girl," Pan added with a playful wink and I rolled my eyes annoyedly at his childish demeanour.

"Who shall be the first one to stay fixed while the rest duels against you one by one?" He asked as he eyed all of us.

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