Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

I stood still, blinking a couple of times as I stared at Pan blankly.

"Do elaborate, Pan, for I have no fucking clue what a meelies is."

Pan rolled his eyes and corrected me hastily. "It's meylys. And i was just getting to that, Emerson."

I crossed my arms irritably. "You need to stop pausing for dramatic effect, Pan - it's lame."

Peter swiftly disregarded my snarky remark and started running his useless trap.

"A meylys is a mythical creature that at some point was believed to be just a mere legend. The meylys was used in children's storybooks, and it was highly believed that the meylys does not even exist. Now, what exactly is a meylys? The meylys resembles a siren - only instead of belonging to the sea, the it belongs to the land. They resemble sirens in the form of being cunning and subtle."

Pan paused to take a breath and continued. "Now, the sirens' power is their voice - but the meylys' power is rage. Sirens use their voice to sing, and the meylys uses their rage to channel flames that could harm their enemies. If a meylys does not learn how to control their powers, the flames will literally consume them."

My eyes widened slightly. "Well that's no pressure at all." I mumbled sarcastically.

Pan shifted to my left and started walking behind me until he was towering above me. He leaned forward slightly so that his lips grazed against my ear.

"Now, now, Elisa. This is why I'm here." He whispered into my ear.

I spun around to face him, although as usual, he was towering above me like a skyscraper and I crossed my arms.

"If this is some kind of sick joke that is part of this whole special weapon bullshit of yours -"

"It's not a joke." He interrupted me abruptly.

"Believe me, I'm here to help you control your magic, although my intentions are obviously not clear. As you know by now, I need you to do something for me - and at the same time, I'd be doing you a favour by not letting your powers consume you. What do you say? Do we have a deal?" He asked with a wink and a playful smirk and extended his hand and I scowled at him.

I really had no choice, did I? I knew there was no way I'd be able to teach myself how to control my new barbaric abilities.

I bit my lip and stared up at Pan.

His eyes glinted with some form of mischief and if I wasn't aware of his brutal reputation, I would've just assumed that glint was just a mere little boy's trait. Only, it wasn't. Pan was dangerous in all ways possible. There's no telling what he's capable of doing and frankly, I don't want to be held an example.

Finally, I sighed and clasped my hand to his and gave it a firm shake.

"Deal." I spoke curtly.

Pan grinned evilly. He licked his lips before speaking the words that basically made the deal a reality.

"Let's get started, shall we?"


"Try again, Emerson."

I groaned loudly and tugged on the roots of my hair exasperatedly.

"This is the twelfth time, Pan!" I cried as I looked over at him.

He was leaning against a giant boulder with his toned arms crossed. Pan was not pleased with our progress, I knew that. In fact, there isn't any progress whatsoever.

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