Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

I sat in my cage, my back leaning against the bamboo bars as I idly tugged at the petals of a flower I plucked from the tree beside me.

I twisted one of the pink petals as I dug my nails into the stem and felt it's liquid oozing and running down my left hand and to my wrist.

I frowned as I inspected my dirty arms and hands. There was no doubt that I needed a shower.

My hair was already a mop of greasy threat that was practically begging me to drown itself in water, but alas, I was locked up.

I looked out into the distance and bit my lip as I saw a male figure walking closer and closer to my cage. I squinted my eyes as I tried to find out which one of the Lost Boys I'll be seeing today and I grinned widely when I saw that it was none other than Pan himself.

I've been locked up in that cage for 13 days. I was only allowed to use the bushes to pee twice a day with someone staying close to me in case I run, but besides that, I was stuck in a cage. I made it a habit that whenever Pan came, I'd be ecstatic and thrilled. I figured that maybe if I showed him that the cage didn't bother me, he'd grow bored and he'd let me out.

"Pan! What a lovely surprise!" I yelled down at him as he appeared in view and started climbing up the tree.

Pan chuckled as he made himself comfortable on the branch and smiled amusedly at me.

"Enjoying your stay, Emerson?" He asked teasingly.

I sighed in content. "It's perfect. I get to stay in a quiet place with no one to bother me, and I don't have to go to your stupid training sessions."

Pan threw his head back and laughed like a child before he looked at me with wide green eyes and a dazzling smile.

"You need a bath." He pointed out.

I laughed. "Yeah, no shit. I've been here for 13 days, Pan, with no showers at all. Of course I need a bath."

Pan smiled and passed a yellow plate into my cage. I looked down at it and saw grilled slices of tomato and an egg in a basket.

"Thanks." I mumbled my genuine gratitude before I lifted a slice of tomato and nibbled on it.

"Pan?" I spoke after swallowing.

Pan had his eyes closed and his arms bent behind his head as he made himself comfortable.

"Hmm?" He responded.

"When do I get to leave the cage?" I asked in defeat.

Pan fluttered his eyes open and looked at me amusedly.

"I thought you liked the cage."

I huffed. "Yeah well I also like showers and open spaces."

Pan sat forward and leaned over closer to my cage with a smirk on his face.

"So what do you want from me, Elisa?" He asked softly, his minty breath hitting my face and causing my eyes to flutter shut for a second.

"I need a shower, Pan. Please. Just one shower. You can put me back in the cage after that, but I really need to be clean or lose my damn sanity." I begged him desperately as I searched his eyes for an answer.

Pan examined me for a few seconds before he leaned backwards and crossed his arms.

"Fine, I'll let you out so you can shower, but I'll be there to make sure you don't run off." He stated.


I walked quietly alongside Pan as I clutched a new green cloak and a pair of tight army pants as well as a body towel to my chest.

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