Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen

I watched, with the adrenaline engulfing my body as Felix laxly placed a bright red apple on his mop of blonde hair. He spread out his arms and smirked at me.

"Go on, Lost Girl." He winked.

I smiled and lifted my bow and arrow and aimed straight for the red apple.

"Aren't you afraid I might hurt you?" I asked mockingly, stalling to build up the suspense.

"A little blood hurt nobody." He replied casually and I laughed lightly.

"Don't worry, princess. I won't hurt you so much." I teased and pulled back the arrow against the string.

I let out a steady breath and let go of the string and arrow, and watched as it hit the apple right in it's centre and against the tree behind Felix.

Felix's smirk only grew wider as he approached me.

"My turn." He said.

I grinned and handed him the bow and skipped my way carelessly to the tree.

I pulled out the arrow from the tree and pushed the apple out of it. I carefully threw the arrow to Felix and propped the same apple up onto my own head and waited for him to strike.

"You've been different lately." He pointed out.

I raised an eyebrow, the small smile on my lips never ceasing.

"How so?" I asked.

Felix shrugged as he closed one eye and aimed.

"You're happier."

I grinned. "I guess you could say that things are finally in my favour."

Felix shot the arrow and it went through the apple and against the tree just like how I did it.

"Elaborate?" He suggested.

I went to pull out the arrow from the tree.

"I have a family that cares about me, a boy who likes me, I'm getting my revenge soon, and I get to have many thrilling adventures with the people I love. What more could I possibly want?" I asked as I handed Felix the arrow and carelessly biting into the used apple, it's juice dripping down my chin and into my hand and trickling down my arm.

Felix laughed. "Oh, how ladylike of you."

I rolled my eyes playfully. "I can see why I fit in just fine with you lot."

The both of us then laughed in unison.

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything important."

Felix and I turned around swiftly to find Pan walking towards us with a small smirk toying his lips.

I grinned widely.

"Nonsense! We were practising shooting, we've got some time to kill anyway." I spoke as I walked over to him as he walked over to me.

He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my lips passionately. He hummed while kissing me before he pulled away, a teasing smile on his face.

"And you ate your victim."

I looked down at my bitten apple and laughed.

"Felix would've eaten it if I hadn't done so first." I spoke defensively.

Felix shook his head as he stood about three steps away from us as he watched us amusedly.

"I prefer grapes." Felix said.

"Why don't you practice shooting on something that actually moves? We're out of lamb, and we need to go hunting." Pan stated as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder as the three of us walked together back to camp.

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