Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen

I stared at Connor in disbelief.

"What the hell are you talking about?" I asked, demanding a full explanation.

"Oh, don't act so surprised. You know very well that Pan is capable of murder." Connor snapped.

"Well yes, I'm well aware of that, Connor, but he killed a girl he fancies? How is that even comprehendible?" I asked.

Connor shook his head and laughed bitterly. "Oh, he didn't fancy her, Elisa. He was obsessed with her. His obsession soon turned into possessiveness and it drove her mad. She begged and begged to be brought back to her realm so she can escape him, but he never allowed it. That is until she did a very stupid move."

I stared at Connor, waiting for him to continue the story.

"She went to Skull Rock, in search of a magical object that would take her back to her realm. Pan of course caught her. He was the scariest monster we've ever known when she hurt him like that. The next sunrise, Pan had her tied up and thrown her into Mermaid Lagoon, where the mermaids tore her skin apart, and all of us were forced to watch it happen." Connor gulped.

I pursed my lips as I felt my chest tighten in discomfort.

"He wanted this to be a lesson learnt so that none or us would ever even think about trying to escape Neverland." He spoke and I saw the tears streaming down his face.

I pulled him towards me and hugged him as comfortingly as possible.

"When did she die?" I whispered.

"A long time ago. The Lost Boys and I stopped thinking about it ages ago, and we love it here in Neverland, so we had no reason to leave. That's why we all wanted you to fit in and love it here, Elisa, because if you don't, Pan will do the same thing he did to her - or something much worse."

"Connor," I gulped. "What was the girl's name?"

Connor looked at me miserably, not bothering to dry his tears, and after he calmed down, he whispered one name.



I threw the small knives I clutched into my hand at the target a few feet away from where I stood. We were at the Training Clearing, practicing throwing knives as Pan walked around us in a straight posture, his arms behind his back, eyeing all of us like a hawk, wanting all of us to be perfect at what we do.

I drew in a deep breath and eased my nerves as I aimed at the bullseye and clutching the knife with ease.

Every time I stole a glance at Pan, I couldn't help but imagine him heartlessly throw the girl he really liked to her own death, without giving it any second thought.

Would he ever actually kill me if I ever got him angry?

I did get him angry. I even betrayed him when I trespassed into his hut.

He didn't kill me.

Was I any different from Wendy?

I threw the knife and it landed on one of the outer rings on the target. I groaned irritably. Why can't I just stop thinking about it and focus on destroying this target instead?

"That's it for today, everyone. Head back for dinner, and Felix, it's your turn to cook." Pan commanded.

Felix nodded with a small smile and we all placed our weapons back where we initially got them. Once I was about to walk away, Pan's voice stopped me in my tracks.

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