J e s s i c a [ S N S D ]

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SM Entertainment released a statement containing their position regarding the matter saying Girls' Generation will be active as eight members as Jessica has opted to stop her team activities, AllKPop reports.

The agency's statement reads,

"Hello. This is SM Entertainment.

We are offering our position on the words posted on Jessica's Weibo today.

This coming spring, due to her personal situation, she notified us she will halt her team promotions with the release of one album.

Despite Jessica's sudden notice, the agency and the Girls' Generation members tried our best and tried to figure out a way that Girls' Generation's activities can continue in the best possible direction.

However, in the midst of insufficient negotiations regarding conflicts of differences in priorities and interest, Jessica started her fashion business. Due to this, despite ongoing talks, it has come to a point where the team could not be maintained.

Thus, the agency had no choice but to pull up Girls' Generation's activities as 8 members earlier than planned, and in the midst of while working out when to announce this, Jessica had posted her words early this morning.

From here on, our agency will continue to support and manage the 8-member Girls' Generation and Jessica's individual activities."

As AllKPop noted, it does not seem that Jung is leaving SM, but her status as GG's member will be "inactive" as she works on her own endeavors.

The K-Pop star recently updated her Weibo account, posting a shocking message saying, "I was excited about our upcoming fan events only to shockingly be informed by my company and 8 others that as of today, I'm no longer a member. I'm devastated - my priority and love is to serve as a member of GG, but for no justifiable reason, I am being forced out."

This left fans of the highly successful group shocked with others speculating it was a hacker controlling her account.

Earlier last month, Jung launched her own fashion line, BLANC. Also, there are rumors that the K-Pop star is planning to marry her rumored boyfriend Tyler Kwon.

Omg *cries* First Kris and now Jessica, OH MY FREAKING GOD!! How many people have to leave :'(

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