#3 B a e k H y u n [ B i r t h d a y ]

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Today is your boyfriend Baekhyun's birthday , you brought him a present and you are now at his house and Baekhyun was planning to have a birthday party .

You dolled yourself up really pretty because Baekhyun's family and friends were there too and it is the first time you are going to his house and you have no idea that his house was that huge and now your eyes are as wide as D.o's .

You pressed onto the door bell and someone opened the door , it was Baekhyun's mother ,

" Omo , anneyounghaseyo , you must be Baekhyun's girlfriend ! " she said .

You blushed and walked into the house .

The house was really huge and there was a buffet .

" Please help yourself . " she said kindly .

You thanked her politely and started scanning the place looking for your Jagiya .

At a corner , you saw Baekhyun talking to a bunch of girls surrounding him .

You furrowed your eyebrows and started glaring at him .

Baekhyun saw you and he quickly walked to you .

" Jagiya " he says as he holds your waist .

" This is my girlfriend , _____ " he introduced , you immediately blushed but those girls faked smiled and said hi .

Suddenly , Baekhyun grab your hand and took you to his back yard where there is no crowd there .

He holds onto your waist and looked into your eyes and say ,

" Jagiya , are you jealous ? You've been glaring for a while , if you are I can give you a kiss . " he smirked .

" No I'm not " you lied .

" Fine then , no more kisses " he threatens .

You were shocked by what he said so you . . .

" Well . . . I actually . . . w . .a. .s " you admitted .

Baekhyun chuckled then he holds your waist even closer to him .

He slowly lean down and gave you a kiss on your neck and ran away while you chase him .

" YAH ! BYUNTAE ! " you shouted .

After much chasing you finally stopped .

Baekhyun put his hands on your shoulders and whispered into your ear with a husky voice ,

" Only I can do this to you because I'm your one and only byuntae " he said .

You started blushing like crazy but you gave him a sudden kiss on his lips ,

" Of course " you said .

Baekhyun immediatly blushed and say , " I lov. . .e your lips and you babe, I . . . Love youuuuuuu "



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