"Now you, why were you in the flower shop?" you asked.

You watched closely as Jin shifted away from you and crossed his lean legs. His glance dropped from yours and fell to the table. Your heart dropped. He was going to lie to you.

Jin physically pulled back from you. He was scrambling to think of a plausible lie.

This was happening so fast he needed a buffer to slow things down. Plus he did not want you to think he was some kind of perv stalker.

Jin's thoughts raced back to the past several relationships he had been in. He flushed and thought "relationship" was not the right word.

They were more like shallow associations he had formed out of habit or convenience with woman he felt no desire to see outside a quick romp every month or so when he was home. Then he thought of the women who flung themselves at him on the road. He suddenly realized he was sick of it, all of it.

Looking back into your face he felt shame at those thoughts, those memories. He wanted something real here, nothing like those shams. He decided right then that he could never lie to you.

You watched the thoughts war in his face. Cursing your instinct and blunt tongue, you asked him "Are you about to lie to me?"

Jin was taken aback at your perception and your question. He began to explain when his phone rang.

He knew from the ring tone who it was. " Not now" he thought and turned it over.

You watched as he refused the call and tried to explain himself. The phone began to ring again immediately.

"Don't you think you should take that?" you asked.

"It's work, it will wait. This is more important," he explained.

As he was talking his attention was drawn to the front door. You noticed too.

A huge man, dressed in black, an "in-ear" visible from where he stood in the door, arms crossed, staring at him.
You looked at him in concern as the phone rang a third time.

"He is here for me," he sighed as he picked up the phone.

Your gaze moved from the man to Jin. Soon your attention was drawn to Jin's phone conversation. You could only hear his side and his eyes never left yours.

"What?" he snapped. "I can't, I'm busy"

"I understand that, but this is more important......I am already packed, just take my bags from the foot of my bed."

"Oh, and please get my black bag by the door....whatever you grab, I don't care."

He listened for a minute and then said "5 minutes" .

Not getting the response he wanted he growled " 3 minutes" and hung up the phone.

He looked at you and took both your hands in his.

"That was work. They are holding a plane for me. I have 3 minutes with you before he jerks me out of here" he indicated the man with a shake of his head.

"I thought about lying to you but I find I can't. I feel like you are the one I can trust with the truth, no matter how crazy, how hard it is. I want to be truthful with you" he confessed.

You nodded again.

"I followed you into the florist shop" he said, checking for your reaction. "Please don't think anything bad of me."

Before you could speak he rushed on " I was in the park and I saw you. I saw you get the call and I wanted to know what made you so happy" .

Seeing you nod he went on , " then I watched as sadness shadowed your joy. I wanted to know what caused you to be so sad, I wanted to chase it away."

Jin noticed the glitter of unshed tears in your eyes but he could not slow now.

"Then you left your lunch and I thought I should just take it to you. I could not stand the thought of you slipping away without me at least trying to find you. Then I saw you go into the florist.
"So I followed you. I found you." He finished, excited.

"And now" he moved closer to you " I don't want to let you go."

He glanced back over to the driver/bodyguard and saw him pay the bill.

"Not enough time" he said, cursing under his breath.


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A/N...so earlier in the notes my friend mentioned "stalker". I never consciously thought of that, but apparently subconsciously I did, and Jin did too, hence some of his
explanation!! I think he is just so taken he is not really thinking at all!!

Had to stop it somewhere, so hang in here with me.

What do you think?? Your likes and comments are so very encouraging!!

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