Chapter Seventeen

Start from the beginning

I nodded. "I'm starving anyway."

"It's a disappointment though - it's Connor's turn to cook."

We all laughed loudly, knowing all too well that Connor doesn't know how to cook, yet Pan still makes him have his turn.

'Practice makes perfect', he would say.


Connor and I walked through Neverland's thick forestry, him clutching a spear and me holding my bow and arrows.

"I burn everything I cook, Elisa, and the bloke still makes me cook for all of us." He complained as he tripped over a bunch of twigs and I rolled my eyes while smiling.

"That bloke is my boyfriend, Connor. And besides, your cooking isn't really that bad." I tried to reason with him but then he gave me one look that I understood all too well and I laughed.

Connor grabbed my arm and shushed me as he pointed at a sheep a few yards away.

My eyes radiated excitement as I hurriedly picked up an arrow and smacked it against my bow and aimed.

However, the sheep must've sensed danger, so it started running away.

"Crap." I mumbled annoyedly.

Connor quickly threw his spear at the animal but he missed.

We quickly started running after it, the both of us finding it somewhat comical as we laughed.

We soon lost the sheep and met up with Pan and Luke on the way.

"No luck either?" Luke asked as he adjusted his own spear on his shoulder.

Connor and I shook our heads and Pan groaned.

"It's like they're extinct or something." He stated as his eyes darted around us, in search of the animal.

"Does that mean that I don't have to cook today?" Connor asked hopefully.

"Shut up, Connor." Pan stated without looking at him.

Luke burst out laughing and Connor rolled his eyes and punched Luke's arm harshly, but Luke only found it even funnier.

"Endangered, actually." I corrected Pan. "Connor and I saw one earlier but we couldn't catch it in time."

Pan sighed. "Guess it's a hog for dinner again tonight."

The four of us walked together slowly back to camp, each person going to their hut but Pan stopped me by grabbing my arm and pulling me against him.

He smiled down at me as he gently stroked my cheek and I smiled back.

"Join me in my hut?" He asked and I nodded.

We walked into Pan's hut and he shut the door behind us before grabbing my hand and pulling me to his bedroom.

Letting go of my hand, he threw himself on his bed and sighed in content as he shut his eyes.

I smiled and slowly laid down beside him.

"Pan." I said.

"Hmm?" He hummed, his eyes still closed.

"Thank you." I spoke softly.

Pan opened his eyes and looked at me perplexedly.

"What for?" He whispered.

I shrugged. "For saving me from the terrible world I lived in. From saving me from being killed. For giving me a family. For caring about me."

Pan smiled slightly and ran his fingers through my black hair slowly.

"It would be foolish of me not to deeply care about you, Emerson."

I smiled and inched closer to him and wrapped an arm around his torso as I snuggled closer to him.

"Any updates on the boy?" I mumbled against his chest and quickly kissed his shoulder before I rested my head on his chest.

Pan pursed his lips. "We should be expected his arrival very soon. The woman and man that work for me already managed to get their hands on a magical bean that will take them to Neverland."

I raised my head slightly and looked at him curiously. "How will you know that they got here?"

Pan smirked. "The island and I are connected, remember? How else do you think I first found you?"

I chuckled lightly. "Feels like a long time ago when I detested you."

Pan nodded.

We stayed silent for a while before Pan decided to break the silence.

"I have a question for you, Elisa."

I looked up at him. "Go on."

"What happened to your parents? To your biological family?"

My heart almost stopped beating. It's like I forgot how to breathe. My brain started to shut down as the question was released into the air and settled to create a thickly tensed atmosphere.

I could practically taste the hatred lingering in the air towards my original so called family. That was not a family. That was anything but a family.

My eyes sparked up in pure anger and I sat upright.

"Why must you know about these foul gits?" I seethed.

Pan sat up straight as well and surveyed me in concern. He cautiously placed his hand on my arm and gave it a gently squeeze.

"I want to know how Elisa Emerson became the most wonderful person she is now." He replied smoothly, lessening my anger down a notch, however, I was still quite irritated with the thought of my old family.

"It's not a pretty story." I whispered as I stared at his white bed sheets.

"No one likes a cliché pretty story, Elisa." Pan mumbled against my neck as he kissed it softly and placed his hand on my waist.

I took in a shaky breath.

Pan pulled away from me, his swirling green eyes blazing into my own brown eyes, boring into, pouring into my soul and drawing me in until I was trapped under it's captivating hold.

"You can trust me, Elisa. I promise you."

Am I really ready to let my walls down and finally open up to someone after my many years of torment, killing, heartless and harsh miseries?

I bit my lower lip as I stared at him.

What was I gonna do?

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