Relationships + Drama = Family Reunion

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(I just noticed that the killer in chucky was also named Charles lee.)


We ended up going to the Schuylers' house. Mostly because Eliza would want to know if I was ok after getting shot again without even noticing, and crashing into a tree.

"Hey 'liza, ive been meaning to ask you who that guy was that you were talking to the other day" i say.

"Hm? Wait, are you jealous?" She asks.

"No. Im happily dating-... Im semi-happily dating my soulmate."

"Wow. Well he's my soulmate. And he's in the kitchen if you wanna talk to him."

I glance towards Thomas who was busy texting someone. So I walk to the kitchen, Eliza following behind.

"Pardon me, who are yo- James?"

The guy turns around towards me. "Alex?"

I try to think of a response. I havent seen my brother in years and now hes my friend's soulmate. "Yo, I thought you were dead. Hows life?"

"Wow. It's been good"

"So, you're the lucky guy who's dating Eliza. Uh... don't do what I did"

"Whats that supposed to mean?"

I swear i could sense eliza glaring at me from behind. Thomas looked up towards me, but i just wrote on my arm that I'd explain later.

"Dont worry about it. Look, we should hang out at some point. I gotta go though..." I grab Thomas's hand while walking outside, closing the door behind us.

"Whats up with you and Eliza? I thought you two were friends" he says.

"We are, just not great friends..."

"Wow. But why was she giving you the death stare?"

"Don't worry about it" i start walking away.


"Ok, this was something that happened like, a year ago. Note that I was drunk"

"Oh no, what did you do?" He scoffs.

"I got drunk... AndcheatedonElizawithAngelica"

"Holy crap youre an asshole!"

"In my defense, I am stupid when drunk. Heck, I forgot my own name once."

He reaches for my hand again while we're walking. So I kissed his cheek, or at least tried to considering the height difference. Damn, i never noticed how short i am compared to jefferson.

"So Lee is dead" he starts.

"I think he's dead. I shot and tased him, but you can survive that" i reply.

"We could go check"

"I dunno... Thats kind of a long walk from here. We could take your car though"

He nods as we walk back to my house. It didn't take long to get there or to drive to Lee's house.

"Im tellin ya, he tried to kill me first, not the other way around. I actually tried to avoid confrontation."

"Did you really need to taze him though?" Thomas scoffs.

"Well it was either that or get killed. And i dont know about you, but i prefer living." I go towards my car which will probably never be drivable again.

"So this is where you crashed your car... Where's Lee?"

"W-what do you mean?"

"I dont see Lee anywhere"

I look around, both outiside and in the house but cant find Lee anywhere. I'm screwed; im royally screwed.

"Shit. Thomas, we need to leave" I sprint towards his car.

"What? Why?" He says.

"Charles Lee... He's alive"

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