Time For a Feels Trip

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(I just noticed a majority of my stories have someone die. Lets add this to the list-


Ever have that feeling that you know something bad is gonna happen? Like uh... Spider senses! Everything could be going fine and suddenly it feels like it wont be.

Thats how I feel right now. I swear if Jefferson is planning something...

I can hardly remember what happened last night, but judging by the missing tooth i can guess i got in a fight.

Damnit, and i just got the braces off.

"How is it you still want to work after getting drunk?" Jefferson asks.

"Im immune to beer" i say casually.

"You were literally just puking in the bathroom and ranting about food a few minutes ago"

"I uh... I have no idea what youre talking about."

He laughs before we go to work. I still don't like him, but he's slightly more tolerable. Only slightly.

"Hey Alex!" Burr calls. "There's some news you're not gonna like"

"What? Is Lee working here now?" I joke.

"No. John Adams is finally back"

"Fuuuuu- why?! He's literally the one guy I hate more than Jefferson."

"Yeah im sure he feels the same way about you"

"He always acts so smug like he could do what he want... You know he called me a Creole bastard once?" I scoff.

"Yes I know, i was there" he mutters.

"Sometimes i wish he would just get lost- hes right behind me, isn't he?" Burr nods as i turn around.

"Look hamilton, i don't like me and I don't like you. So if you could not be a pretentious prick and stay outta my way, everything will be fine" Adams says while jabbing his finger in my chest, making me step back.

Heres a note, people arent as intimidating when youre the same height as them.

"Geez, and people say i have issues" I slap his hand away. "Listen here, ya dingus, theres a door right over there and im fully capable of throwing you out of it. Take that as a warning"

He flares at me before storming out. First time Adams probably ever listened to someone. Just 'cuz my leg is broken doesnt mean i cant kick his ass.


So I didn't go home until 9pm, which is a first. I almost locked Jefferson out on accident.

I sat on the couch and was gonna watch some tv when my phone started ringing. Eliza

So I answer. "Eliza? What's up? You usually text me" I say. Jefferson looks over at me.

"Alexander Hamilton! Get to the hospital ASAP!"

"Geez, what happened? Did Angelica punch someone again?" I could hear it starting to rain outside and put the phone on speaker.

"No, it's john" she says.

This has to be a joke...

"He was shot"

I drop my phone. Definitely not a joke.

Well you might as well call me a medical miracle. I just ran almost a mile with a broken leg in the pouring rain. I nearly fell when i got to the hospital.

Everyone was crowded around John. I knew who shot him. It was fucking Lee.

"John are you ok?! God, this is all my fault" i try not to cry.

"Calm down Alex, and dont blame yourself. Ots Lee's fault" he says. Oh hey, i was right. It was Lee.

He whispers something to Eliza before looking back at me.

"Hey alex, come with me real quick" she says while reaching for my hand.

I move away. "No. Im not leaving his side." I deadpan.


"I said no."

While we we're arguing, thats when things went south. As if they couldnt get any worse.

Things just happened so fast

Angelica separated me and eliza as peggy was talking to herc and laf. I turned in time to see John. And froze when he died.

I heard the room door open and felt someone hug me but didnt turn to see who it was. I just stood there.

Wow. In a world where the universe picks your soulmate, I just watched my best friend/ex die. Geez, is this how burr feels? Hes always saying how everyone who loved him died or something along those lines.

Welp, Lee better run before either me or the comment section kills him

Oh shit, the 4th wall...

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