Congrats, You're Somewhat a Hero

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"We need to leave" i repeat.

Thomas looks out towards the ocean, then back at me. "Alex, if you think its a hurricane, its not. Just a few storm clouds"

"...if you die, you have no one else to blame but yourself" i deadpan. "I know this place better than you know France. So don't tell me that its not a hurricane"

I storm off to the nearest port because im pretty sure its not safe to fly a plane in a storm. And of course i couldnt get a ticket because riding a boat during a storm is also bad.

I swear if I knew how to swim...

Thomas appeared from nowhere and grabbed my hand. I move away.

"Alex it's just a storm-"

"No,  shut up. You're not like me. You didn't spend most of your life on an island with very little money. You're either in France or Virginia, and hurricanes don't exist in those areas"


I ignored him and start walking back towards town. Im not gonna die because of Thomas's BS.

While I was walking around trying to think of what to do, i hear a siren in the distance. The alarm type siren, not the demon mermaids that seduce you before murdering you.

I knew what the siren was for though. As girl had told me it was the new alarm for hurricanes. That wouldve been useful a few years ago...

So I went to my old house to wait out the storm. Just gonna sit here and wait for it to end. I'm pretty sure these things last for 12 hours at the least.

A few hours later was when shit went down. You know what the worst part about a hurricane is? Flooding. Wanna know what i hate about them? When the water fucking breaks the wall or house youre supposedly safe in. Stupid water always trying to kill me

Considering the house was practically destroyed, i had to use the front door to not drown.

"Damn it Thomas... I said it was a hurricane and i was right." I mutter. Speaking of, I managed to find him. Heck, it was basically that one scene in the Titanic only we actually tried to fit on the door. Jack coulda lived if rose scooted over! Great, now I'm thinking about the Titanic...

"So Alex-" Jefferson starts but I cut him off.

"If you say anything about the hurricane, ill push you of the door so you float to sea"

"Rude" he mutters. "Look, im sorry, i shouldve believed you. What do we do now?"

"Well gee i don't know, Thomas, how about we try to survive and not disappear from the face of the earth"

"Haven't you used enough sarcasm today?"

I look at Thomas, then back at what was left of town. "...i wasn't being sarcastic"

We had been floating for hours, occasionally had to jump to the nearest building before a wave swept past. And as much as I hate Jefferson, he's probably the one thing stopping me from panicking.

I think close to the end of the storm was when we had to stay on the roof of the nearest house.

"Hey i think we might be safe here" I say. Hey do you have your phone?"

"No, I dropped it in the water"

"Shit." My phone was dead, not like we could get any setvice anyway.

I look across the water to see someone standing on a roof and calling for help.

"Hey Thomas, ill be right back"

"Hm? Where are you going?"

"Im gonna go help that guy"

"Alex, thats too risky. You could die. You also cant swim"

"He could die too. And who said i was swimming?"I jump to the other house. Turns out it was a kid. "Hey kid, its gonna be ok. Whats your name?"

"M-my name is Philip" he says. "Philip Kinloch".(I phisically couldnt think of any other last name)

"Dont worry philip. Im gonna keep you safe"

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