Love? Thats a Good Joke

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"Thomas, if you don't get away from me, I will kick your ass" I growl.

"Ha! Thats a funny joke hamilton. You're funny. You know what else is funny? Your life" he says.

This has been going on for twenty minutes. As soon as i got to my office, he insulted me. So I insulted him back. Good, now you're all caught up.

"You have 3 seconds before I throw a chair at your face" I say.

"Whats wrong? Cant have your boyfriend fight for you?" He scoffs. I punch him in the face.

"I broke up with John, you asshole!"

Hes quiet for a moment before replying. "Hm, i always thought it would be the other way around" he scoffs. "I guess you're stuck being single forever"

Madison and Burr appeared from nowhere and pulled us back before the situation was helpless.

"Speaking of you being alone, you guys can have a better relationship" burr suggests.

"Hold up, "relationship"? Burr, we have no relationship. Were literally the most incompatible people ever. Look! This was valentines day!" I take out a few pictures.

"Then there was office christmas party when we both just happened to be under a mistletoe"

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"Then there was office christmas party when we both just happened to be under a mistletoe"

"Then there was office christmas party when we both just happened to be under a mistletoe"

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"And you can't forget about New Year's. No matter how drunk I got, I couldnt make one flirty comment about jefferson without puking. And I'm the most flirtatious person here."

"Im pretty sure you puked so much because of how drunk you were." Burr notes.

"Agree to disagree" i say.

"And we all know how much you flirt with people Alex"

"Hey, don't be salty because i have more charms then you have hair"

He glares at me.

"Really though, you two might be soulmates" Madison suggests.

Me and jefferson look at each other before laughing.

"Us? Soulmates? Man, I never expected to get love advice you guys"

"I mean there's only one way to find out. Write something on your arm"

"Hell no, now leave me alone" I pushed everyone out of my office and slammed the doot shut.

"Pff, me and Jefferson as soulmates. Ha! Now ive heard everything." I mutter. I Sat down at my desk and started working.

I actually wouldve stayed at work until 1 in the morning if washington hadnt walked in.

"Alexander?" He says. "Why havent you gone home yet?"

"Sorry sir. Ill leave in 3 hours" i reply.

"Go home Alexander"

"I will."

He walks over and unplugs my computer. "I heard about Laurens"

Geez, angelica was right about the gossip in New York.

"Dont worry sir, im fine. He wasnt my soulmate anyway"

"Son, go home and gets some rest"

I turn in my chair to face Washington. "First off, dont call me son. Second, im fine. You dont need to worry about me"

"Go home alexander. That's an order"


He cuts me off. "Go home"

I grabbed my jacket and keys and left.

Of course as i was driving home, there was a storm.

I pulled to the side of the road before things got worse.

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