Just Your Usual Hangout

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I could tell eliza was getting annoyed because while we were walking she took my headphones just to get my attention. She actually scared me a bit. If it was Jefferson, i wouldve used one of my crutches in defense.

"Alex, when i said you had to be social, i meant it" she says.

"Isn't existing in the same area as friends considered social?" I joke.

"I wont hesitate to break your headphones if it means you'll talk to us"

"First off 'liza, chill. Second, i used your money to buy it so technically youd be braking your own stuff. And third, those headphones are the only thing keepin' me from having panic attacks during storms. So I suggest you dont break them" i snatch them back.

"Geez hamilton, are you capable of talking less?" Jefferson mutters.

"Shut up jeffershit"

"Same goes to you too, asshole"

I hear eliza say something along the lines of calling Angelica to kick our asses.

"Look, a lot of people get annoyed by me talking" I wave my hand to emphasize, "so to solve that problem, i just avoid talking"

"Ok coming from you, that's a lie"

I just shrug before putting my headphones back on. Eliza says something to Jefferson, probably about me. I look over at my arm when Jefferson starts writing something.

Eliza wants to know if you wanna stop somewhere


eah sure, whatever

We ended up getting some snacks and going to a nearby park. I would've rather stayed home, but apparently I'm not allowed to stay in my room for the rest of eternity.

So while Eliza and Jefferson were chattimy about who knows what, I was just sitting in the grass and messing with stuff on my phone. I would've fallen asleep i didn't have to respond to Jefferson writing again.

Hey i can tell you dont want to be here. I don't want to either

Your point being?

Wanna ditch and go somewhere else?

Sure, but eliza

Make up an excuse

You do it, i hate lying to her.

I look up to see Jefferson telling Eliza something. She nods as i stand up and we start walking away. Jefferson looks over at me while we're walking.

"So... What have you lied to Eliza about?" He asks.

"...don't worry about it" i say.
"So where do you want to go?"

"We could watch a movie or go see a musical or-"

"If you wanted to go on a date, you coulda just said so"

"I thought you would say no"

"I've said this before" i start, "i just can't seem to say no to things"

We ended up seeing this musical called Miranda. And let me tell ya, I've never realized how much I looked like the guy on the ten dollar bill. I wonder if this counts as a 4th wall break...

The entire musical felt like deja vu though. And there was this one guy that stood out to me. They reminded me of john...

Jefferson was surprisingly nice the rest of the day. "Jefferson" and "nice" should never be in the same sentence. I knew he had to planning something.

So when we got back to my house, I went to the kitchen to make some non-decaf coffee. When i turned around, Jefferson kissed me.

I kissed back and for once we weren't drunk. Son of a shit, I just kissed Thomas Jefferson

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