Random Help With Friends

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"I refuse to say I like him, Peggy!"

"Quit lying to yourself Alex" she says.

"Geez, ill admit that i crush on people. But thats 'cuz I flirt with everyone!"

I swear if life were a video game, there'd be text saying 'a wild angelica has appeared'. She scared the crap out of me when she walked up behind me saying "whats this crush you speak of?"

"Holy crap! You oughta wear a bell, Ang!" I joke.

"Well then, i heard you had a crush. Who is it?" She asks.

"I already found out Jefferson is my soulmate, even though i hate him. Itd be futile if i liked anyone. I dont have a crush."

Angelica looks at Peggy before looking back at me.

"Fine. I'll just ask uou a few questions" she says. I nod since I don't really have a choice.

"Favorite animal?" She asks.

"Lion, I guess."

"Favorite color?"


"Where are you from?"

"The Caribbean, Nevis. Why are you asking me things you already know?"

She ignores me. "Favorite thing to do?"

"Writing and reading"


"jefferson- shit"

"Ha i was right! You do like him!" Peggy smiles. "And dont try to deny it because your face is red right now!"

"Ugh, so glad eliza isnt here right now. Also becore i leave, can i borrow a few bucks?" I sigh.

"Dont you have a job?"

"I kinda spent my money on coffee, notebooks and a new shirt"

"Maybe its a sign. Wait are getting a gift for Thomas?!"

"Hell no!"

"Don't lie, youre blushing! Here"

I could feel my face heating up as she gave me 20 dollars. I dont know why I'm blushing because i dont like Jefferson. Stupid feelings getting in the way.

All I did was go to the store and get some headphones. Theres supposed to be another storm and I dont want to leave work because of it.

Plus they're effective when trying to ignore someone.

Keyword, trying

You know when youre listening to music and you pay so much attention to it that you get spooked if someone taps your shoulder or something? Yeah, its a lot worse with noise cancelling headphones.

Which is why i slapped Jefferson when he tried to get my attention.

"What the heck Hamilton!" He shouted

"That was not my fault!" I say, "you caught me off guard!"

"Well I wonder why. Why are you wearing headphones anyway?"

"Because theres supposed to be a storm"

"And whats your deal with storms? Honestly, a bit of rain won't hurt"

"Im gonna make this clear. You don't know me. And-" I look past Jefferson to see Madison in the hallway. He was motioning for me to come out, probably to talk.

"...let's continue this tommorow" I say before walking out to Madison.

"First off, Burr and i were right about you two being soulmates" he says.

"Shut up"

"Also your friend Laurens needs your help"

"I dont know Why he didnt just call me..." I mutter.

I grabbed my jacket before driving to John's house. There goes my attempt to stay at work.

As soon as i pulled up, I saw john and Lee looking like they were about to kill each other. I ran out my car yelling "nobody die!"

"Ok, can someone tell me whats going on here?" I asked.

"He insulted me!" John yells.

"He called me a coward!" Lee replied. I swear i have to deal with this every year...

"Look, can't we all just go home and forget what was said?"

"Whats wrong Hamilton? Too scared to fight?" Lee mocked.

"For the record, im not scared of the guy who cant even, well, do anything right"

He glared at me before punching me in the face. I felt my nose bleeding. Thats the 3rd time this year!

I honestly couldve just left john and Lee duke it out because I heard thunder in the distance. But that plan went out the window when I got punched.

So i rolled up my sleeves and put on my headphones before fighting.

I regret nothing!

Soulmates Are For Real || Jamiltonजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें