Whats This Love You Speak Of

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(Jamilton in a nutshell lol)


I can't believe it. Jeffershit is my soulmate. Does life hate us that much to put us together?! Heck, i wouldve rather been with Seabury! Or maybe, just maybe lee...

So I tried to ignore him. That doesnt exactly work since he keeps walking in my office.


I cut him off without looking away from my computer. "Dont call me Alex, im notcha friend"


"Still not your friend"


"We're not dating"

"Fine. Hamilton." he says. "I just... Maybe we can make this work?"

"No. I would rather date anyone else in the world" I mutter.

"Geez, im not that bad, Hamilton"

"Ha! Thats a really funny joke. You should become a comedian"

"Ugh... Look, maybe i can change your mind"

I turn in my chair to face him. "You cant force love. I dont know why you care so much"

"One, im not the one forcing love, life is. And two, I care because we cant keep fighting our whole lives"

"Huh, thats a very compelling case... Not. I dont like you."

"Well, like i said, maybe I can change your mind-"


"Hear me out"

"No way" im really tempted to just throw him out so i dont have to hear his voice anymore.

"What if i take you out on a date tonight?" He suggests.

"Sorry, I just don't have the time. I'm meeting up with someone later and-"

"You could've just said no..."

"See I just can't seem to say no to things. Hey would you look at the time! I should go"

Before I can leave, jefferson hands me a piece of paper with something written on it.

"Whats this?" I ask.

"My number in case you have time"

"Yeah, sure, I'll be sure to call you when I've left New York" I scoff. I crumple the paper before shoving it in my pocket and leaving.

I stopped by the store to get a flower before driving to the Schuylers' house- really it was a mansion. Eliza was the first to answer the door.

"Alex? What are you doing here?" She asks.

"Well miss schuyler, todays your lucky day because you get to go on a date with yours truly!" I say, smiling.

"...Sorry 'lex, I already found my soulmate"

"Wait when?"

"2 weeks ago"

"Damn it. Can you get angelica then?"

Eliza nods before disappearing in the mansion. A few minutes later, angelica came to the door.

"Angelica! Will you go out with me-"

"No" she says.

"C'mon, im desperate" I mutter.

"You missed your chance, I already found someone"

"Oh great, you found your soulmate too? Who was it? Was it Thomas Paine?"

"No. It was a guy named John Barker Church" (Fun Fact: that was who she married irl. He was also the guy that gave the pistols to Philip and Alex for their duels)

"Ugh... Sorry for wasting your time then." She closes the door as i go to my car and drive home.

Well then. Guess ive run out of options. I take the paper from my pocket and call the number.

"Hey Thomas? Yeah I think I'll take you up on that date"

"Is this a trick?"

"No... I'm serious. I, Alexander Hamilton, will go on a date with you." That physically hurt me to say that.

"Great! I'll pick you up in a few"

Yeah a few. Make it a few years

I hang up and wait on the doorstep. After I think half an hour, jefferson pulled up in his car. He rolled down the window as i walked towards him.

"So i was wrong-"

"Good, you finally admitted to something" i joke.

"I was wrong. You live almost 15 miles from both me and work. I literally started driving over here when you called and it still took me forever to get here" he scoffs.

"Well i hope you enjoyed the scenic route through New York," i sit in the passenger seat and he starts driving. "So where we goin'?"

"I found a nice Caribbean restaurant, how bout there?"

"Yeah s-sure..."

I swear burr told him about the restaurant. Heck, I would've been fine with McDonald's. Theres no way he would have chosen a CARIBBEAN restaurant of all places.

Yeah, we chatted for a bit until we got our food.

"How is it you still managed to get coffee in the one place that doesnt serve it?" Jefferson asked.

"People who know me, especially in NYC, two things" i say.

"You're addiction to work and coffee?"

"Fuck you. I was gonna say that they know me for my love of coffee, and that it only takes one thing before I start throwing punches."

"Those are things you dont say on a date. Whats with you and rain?"

"That's a thing you dont say on a date" I scoff.

"Come on, it cant be that bad"

I stand up to leave but he stops me.

"Dont leave yet, the nights barely started"

"So what? Im leaving"

"We've barely gotten to know each other"

I sigh and pause got a moment. "I like musicals, ok?" I say before walking out.

I both enjoyed the date and never want to do it again. I still hate Jefferson though.

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