Being Semi Caring

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"Holy crap im a God damn idiot!"

"Good morning to you too..." I hear someone call from the living room.

I stumble out of my room and downstairs, nearly falling. Then i see Jefferson.

"Why are you in my house?" I ask.

"From what burr said, you got drunk, rode a shopping cart down a hill in the park, and crashed into a tree face first. You also broke your leg." He says.

"Oh yeah, forgot about that... Well uh thank you for taking me home, im gonna go to work now..."

"You can't drive with a broken leg"

"Dont crush my dreams!" I joke.

He laughs a little. "I thought your dream was to be a famous writer"

"Well I kinda already did that. I wrote my way into a job, I technically wrote my way out of a relationship with John, i wrote my way out of a hurricane-"

"Hold on, whats this hurricane you speak of?"

I contemplate whether or not to say anything. I could just throw jefferson out of my house. I dont think itd be that effective though.

"Fine" I start, "thometime ago, i think I was 17, there was a hurricane. It destroyed my town and I'm kinda... Scared of storms. Let's go with that"

"Wait... Where are you from exactly?"

"The Caribbean, Nevis. And if this is just gonna be me sharing crap about me, I'm gonna make thome popcorn"

"Ok, I guess. I mean I have all day since Washington doesnt want you to work because of your injuries"


I make a bag of popcorn and sit on the couch while telling my, just now realizing, depressing past. Fun.

I didnt even notice we were legitimately bonding until we were being nice to each other and Jefferson casually put his arm around me.

So I slapped him. "Back off macaroni fucker. I still don't like you"

"I never said that. Is there something you're not saying?"

"Heck no!"

I quickly stand up and stumble out my house towards my car.

"Where are you going?" Jefferson asks.

"To work" i scoff.

"Fine. But if you get in a car accident because you cant reach the breaks, Washington would literally fire you just so you dont try to go to work."

I think for a moment. Hes actually right.

"Fine. You drive"


"I hate much... It physically hurts me."

"Well if it hurts to hate, do the opposite"

I start to say something but instead just storm back to my room. I drop on my bed and take out my phone.

HamilTONofCoffee has joined the group chat

HamilTONofCoffee: hey everyone, how's life

Immediately there were a bunch of messages of people asking basically if I was alive.

BurntCinnaRoll: I heard what happened! Are you ok?

Satisfied:'re stupid

TurtleKing: are you ok?!

DrunkTailor: Alex I'm sorry

Lafayeet: Alex please respond

Peg: hi

HamilTONofCoffee: geez guys im fine. Angelica, that wasnt exactly supportive.
Hi peggy

BurntCinnaRoll: sorry Alex were just all worried

HamilTONofCoffee: its only a broken leg cn we, like, change the subject


Peg: hey we should change the name of the chat

HamilTONofCoffee: how about the Don’t-Fuck-It-Up Committee

DrunkTailor: I can't tell if that was a joke or not

HamilTONofCoffee: it was a

I look over at my arm. I blushed when I read what was written and "walked" towards my room door.

"Thomas I swear if you don't stop writing i will hurt you!" I call.

"Not a chance!" He shouts back.

I sigh. He said I lived almost 15 miles from him. I wish it was 10 times that.

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