5. Grounded

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• Ava's P.O.V •

It only took me a few seconds to drive from Austin's house to mine.

I can't believe I never noticed that he lived on the same street. Not that it matters anyways.

I grabbed all my things from my car and went inside. As I stepped through the door, I noticed my mom sitting on the couch. She looked at me when I entered the room, and she definitely looked angry.

"Sit down, Ava." She demanded.

I did as I was told and waited for her to speak.

"So I was talking with Jordan's mom today." She started.

I already knew where this was going. She knew that we went out to a party while her parents were out of town.

"And she told me that she found out Jordan went to a party on Saturday. And, if i'm not mistaken, you and Naomi spent the night at her house that same Saturday, right?"

"Right." I said reluctantly.

"Now, why would Jordan go to a party by herself and leave you and Naomi at her house?" She asked.

I stayed silent.

"She wouldn't. I know you went to that party. Am I wrong?"

"No." I said.

"You're grounded. Two weeks."

"What? Mom, we didn't even stay long and I didn't drink, I promise. And we were responsible about it. I didn't drink to make sure the other two got home safely. We didn't drive, we walked, so no one was drunk driving. And you see that we're all fine, can I at least have credit for not being stupid about it." I argued.

She only laughed. "Thank you for trying to be responsible, but you still went to a party without my permission, which was very irresponsible, and you're still grounded."

I groaned loudly.

"Tell you what," she started, "since you came clean, i'll shorten it from two weeks to one." She said.

"A week? Mom-" I tried to argue, but I never got the chance to finish.

"Oh, i'm sorry, did two weeks sound better to you?" She interrupted.

I sighed as I stood up from the couch and grabbed my stuff. "No."

I was almost to the stairs but she stopped me. "Wait, I haven't told you your punishment."

I angrily walked back to her and waited for her to talk.

"You can have your phone for school, but as soon as you get home, you have to give it to me. Also, i'll need your laptop right now. And no going out while you're grounded so don't even ask. You'll come straight home from school everyday for the next week. At the end of the week i'll give you all your stuff back." She explained.

I wanted to argue and tell her that this isn't fair, but I knew i'd only extend my grounding time if I opened my mouth, so I spun around on my heels and trudged angrily up the stairs to my room.

I grabbed my laptop off of my desk and took my phone from my pocket, and took them downstairs to her.

"Don't be mad at me, this could have been avoided." She said, noticing my attitude.

I rolled my eyes and went back up to my room.

I finished up all of my homework, and then changed my clothes to make myself more comfortable. I stayed in my room all day, except coming out once for dinner, and watched tv and movies until almost midnight.

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