23. Family Time

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• Ava's P.O.V. •

Austin texted me before he boarded his flight saying that he was leaving and that it'd be early morning until he could call me. I told him that he could call me whenever, no matter what time it was.

My mom, brother, and sister were finally home. I'm in Taylor's room right now because she really wanted to show me the new clothes mom had bought her.

"These are cute, Tay." I smiled, looking through the clothes hanging up in her closet. "Who are you trying to impress?" I wiggled my eyebrows.

She looked down at the carpet and blushed. "No one."

I gasped. "Taylor, are you trying to impress someone?" I asked, making her bush.

"Fine, I'll tell you. There's this guy at school that I have a crush on."

"And, you want to look cute for him." I finished for her, and she nodded in agreement.

"Well, I think you should just talk to him, and get him to like you for you. Not for the clothes you wear, but they are cute." I smiled.

"Thanks, Ava."

"That's what big sisters are for." I winked. "Put on something nice tomorrow, go up and talk to him, and then come home and tell me all about it, okay?"

"Okay." She blushed again. I turned around to leave her room, but she stopped me. "Wait, I want to ask you something."

"Sure, you can ask me anything."

"How did you get your boyfriend to like you?" She asked shyly.

"I just acted like myself. I wanted him to like me for me. It was a little hard at first, but it worked out." I told her, smiling at the memory of Austin and I's rocky start; the part where we couldn't stand each other and were barely friends.

"What if my crush doesn't notice me when I act like myself?" She asked.

"Then he's not the boy for you. Don't act like someone you're not for someone's attention. If he likes you, it should be because he likes the real you."

"That's true. I'll try talking to him and see what happens."

"Don't worry, Tay, it'll be fine." I smiled.

"So when do I get to meet your boyfriend?"

"His name is Austin, and maybe you can meet him when he comes back from out of town." I smile, and she nods in response. This time, I get up to leave and actually make it out of her room.

Now, since I have nothing better to do, I go to Ian's room to see what he's doing. When I reach his door, I knock gently and wait for a reply.

"Who is it?" He yells over the loud sound of his video games.

"Your sister."

"Which one?" He asks.

"Ava." I laugh.

"Okay, come in."

I walk into his room and sit down on the floor next to him.

"Have you been sitting here playing this since you got home?" I ask him.

"Yeah. It's fun."

"Can't be that fun." I teased.

"Wanna try it? I can start over and we can do multiplayer."


He hooks up another controller for me, and restarts the game. After a very painful five minutes of him trying to show me what to do and me failing to do it, I finally started to get the hang of it. I only played with him for about 30 minutes because I remembered about some last minute homework I needed to do.

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