Chapter 48

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When the rumble in the garage signalled the arrival of the supplies, nobody expected Luke to be alone.

In his arms was a new pair of crutches, that he quickly handed to Tyler, but instead of gratitude, he only got a suspicious glare.

"Where's Ohm?"

The kudu blinked in confusion, which did nothing to soothe Smitty's nerves.

"Yes, thank you Luke for gifting me the ability to walk again, it really means a lot,"

Luke scoffed, rolling his eyes before plopping down on the couch.

The video game was paused to look at the Alpha.

"Where's Ohm?"

Brian asked, walking out of the kitchen and wiping flour onto his jeans.

"He saw a couple of school friends on the street and they asked to hangout, I figured it was fine and let him go with his crutches. Why is everybody in my damned business?"

Matching warry glances were sent around the gang before Evan spoke up,

"Jonathan was kidnapped by the Canaries."

Luke was quiet for a moment to process what was said before he scoffed,

"How the hell did that happen?"

"Someone told them Brian and I were taking him to his old house,"

Brock added, joining the crowd in the living room and crossing his arms. Luke went quiet again under everybody's stares before he stood up.

"Ya'll better not be accusing my boyfriend of being the fucking traitor. That's bullshit!"

"Then call him."

Eyes flickered toward Evan's hollow expression, charcoal eyes more of a void than embers of a fire like they had been earlier. Luke glanced at Evan before rolling his eyes.

"What? Don't trust him?"


Evan's reply was blunt, full of venom as Luke flinched.

"I don't trust a lot of people right now, actually,"

Evan muttered with a shrug, scanning over the gang before settling on Luke again.

"Call him. See if he's really out with his friends right now."

Luke scoffed again, but pulled out his phone and tapped the screen a few times before putting it against his ear.

His annoyed expression molded to confusion after the second ring.

His eyebrows creased with worry when he dialed Ohm's number again.

Evan sighed, drawing attention back to him before he shrugged.

"You shut the hell up,"

Luke growled, phone pressed to his ear as he tried a third time,

"He's probably busy."

"How many times does it usually ring before he answers you?"

Tyler questioned, finally standing on the new crutches and clicking his way toward the others. Luke didn't answer, snarling when it went to voicemail.

Ohm wasn't answering.

"I think we have our suspect,"

Evan said simply, stepping off from leaning on the wall to take a few steps toward the big window beside the table.

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