Chapter 33

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Anthony flinched from the sound of explosions over his headphones, the bomb making the van around him tremble from its proximity.

His drone wavered in the air as another sea breeze tried to whisk it away, but he kept the camera trained on his friends, trying to find where the explosion had gone off.
The last one had been scarily close to Smitty and John, but both had made it out of the rubble unscathed. He found the newest plume of dust and tumbling rubble, and hovered above the afflicted area.

Tyler and Jonathan had been there, staking out a heavy group of Alphas with their snipers.

However, now Anthony could only see Tyler pointing his weapon as he skirted around the rubble. Anthony did another scan of the nearby area, still no sign of the blue-winged Omega.

Poking into his coms, he spoke to Tyler directly.

"Do you have eyes on Jonathan?"

The Alpha grunted as he let off another shot, this time retreating behind a different container as he leaned heavily against the steel.

"No. He went into Heat and was right next to the grenade when it went off."

Anthony felt his heart stutter in panic.

Tyler bashed his head back against the container before spinning out of cover and taking down a few more Canaries. Returning fire scattered the air around the longhorn, and a bullet lodged itself in his calf.


Tyler snarled, his leg buckling as he crawled back to cover.

"Hang on, I'll send backup,"

Anthony said immediately, raising his drone to see who was nearest.

Spotting an Alpha and two Betas, Anthony tapped into Marcel's earpiece.

"Marcel, Tyler is down to your southwest. Take Nogla and Scotty with you."

"On it,"

Marcel replied, beckoning both Betas to follow after him.


Marcel kept a firm grip on his submachine gun, darting between bits of cover before firing at the onslaught of Alphas.

Scotty took a few shaky shots behind him, Nogla reloading.

Marcel made eye-contact with Scotty when the Beta ducked down for cover.

"My offer still stands; do you want to use my gun?"

Tyler and Scotty had traded guns so that the boss and Jonathan could both snipe, and although the Beta was somewhat trained on the use of an assault rifle, it was obvious he wasn't comfortable with it, even with all the tips Nogla gave him as he used the gun's sister.

Scott shook his head, gritting his teeth as he muttered,

"I'm fine. Where's Tyler again?"

Marcel chanced a glance toward another grouping of containers, seeing some of them twisted and ruined from a grenade.

He spotted the longhorn holding his leg behind one of the still standing ones.

"Over there,"

Marcel said, nodding his head in the direction of the downed Alpha.

They let another round of bullets fly, then dashed toward Tyler's cover.

"Got him Anthony, we'll bring him toward you."

Marcel said into his earpiece as he took in the pained boss.

"Great, I'll call Brock in."

Marcel nodded, unsure and not really caring if the drone was looking at him or not.

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