Chapter 8

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There was a ringing.

A high pitched squeal that Jonathan couldn't quite place, but it seemed to be coming from the other side of the room.

From Evan.

Why had he rubbed his watch?

Was that his "good luck charm"?

But ever since, Jonathan had heard that ringing.

It was right on the edge of his hearing, but not so close as to be painful.

Yet, none of the Alphas seemed to hear it.


Jonathan had tuned out of the conversation Evan and the Alpha had been having, but when the Alpha suddenly lunged, Jonathan jumped in shock. The Alpha tried to gouge Evan with his horns, but he twisted out of the way and locked the horn in his antlers, flipping the Alpha onto his back with a crack of bone.

A shard of horn splintered off the Alpha, spiraling toward Jonathan before he rolled away.

The Alpha recovered quickly, shoving himself back onto his feet before charging Evan. The gang boss swerved out of the way, but not fast enough, earning a slice on his arm.

Evan growled, not even batting an eye before swinging around and trying to impale the opposing Alpha.

Protect him.

Jonathan wasn't sure where the impulse came from, and before he could realize what he was doing, he had pulled his gun from where he had hidden it in his pocket that morning.

Moving on instinct, his body moving faster than his thoughts, Jonathan aimed it at the other Alpha.

However, as the two Alphas broke apart, both heaving for breath and blood dripping onto the cracked foundation, Jonathan froze.

What am I doing?

As Jonathan began lowering his weapon, one of the other Alphas noticed him.

"Hey! He was going to kill 'im!"

The Alpha pointed at him, making everyone except Evan and the leader stare at him.

"That's cheating!"

"Disqualification! We get the Omega!"

"I call his wings!"

The murmurs began to grow, and had the fight not been between them, Jonathan was sure they would have swarmed him.

"Oi! Boss!"

One of the Alphas reached out and grabbed the panting leader, making him snarl and snap at the hand.

"Shit, right."

The Alphas were quiet for a moment before one of them snapped his fingers.

"Let's just kill the BBS leader!"

"Idiot, that'd mean their gang and allies would be up in our asses."

"Then let's just leave them and take the Omega. Boss'll win anyway."

There was a pause before all the heads began to nod.

Keeping an eye on the thrashing leaders and making sure to not touch them, the Alphas slowly began to inch toward Jonathan.

"S-stay back!"

He snapped to the first ones that slid next to him, pointing his gun at them.

"Aw come on. It's not like we're gunna hurt ya,"

Cerulean FeathersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora