Chapter 34

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Evan let out a snarl as a bullet wedged itself in the steel above his head, ducking as the Omega beside him felled another Alpha from his shotgun. Evan gripped his own shotgun tight to his chest, trying to catch his breath as Craig ducked back into cover. He heard the whir of a drone somewhere above him as the Beta's voice spoke in his ear."Marcel, Scotty, and Nogla need some cover fire. They had to fall back to help Tyler.""Alright, Craig and I will try."Evan said, glancing at the Omega who gave him a nod before peaking and firing again."Hey, Vanoss!"Evan glanced to his other side, where an Alpha in a multicolor hoodie sat with an AR beside him. An Omega in a soft pink jacket and another Alpha sat near their boss."We can help too,"The gazelle-horn said with a smile, his coconut scent flaring in stifled distress as another explosion rang by the pier."Right,"Evan said with a nod, shifting so he could prepare to shoot again,"I need you, Toby, and maybe iNut to head west. Wildcat is getting some assistance from some of our other men."Fitz nodded, beckoning his mate and iNotorious in Tyler and Jonathan's direction.

"They had to fall back to help Tyler"Evan bit the inside of his cheek as he took aim and made another Canary fall with a splatter of blood.He wasn't going to worry about what Anthony had said.Marcel and the Betas were helping the new boss take down some Canaries that had gotten too close.Jonathan was fine.

He spotted Swagger crouched down inside a nearby container, Zuckles and McCreamy on either side of him as the teens fired pistols and the Beta took out a line of Alphas with his machine gun.Evan took aim at an Alpha that was pointing where Tyler and Jon were, but before he could pull the trigger he fell dead.Evan only glanced at Craig as the Omega took aim somewhere else.Evan let out a huff at the stolen kill and turned his crosshairs at the smaller Alpha beside his first target. He was suddenly pushed by a flurry of feathers, and his bullet missed."Craig, what the fuck?""Sorry,"The Omega yelped, quickly tucking his wings from where they had practically enveloped Evan,"I...I thought I saw a Canary aiming at you.""I can take care of myself, but thanks."Evan sighed, looking back to see the smaller Alpha had vanished.Where did he go?When Evan found the kid again, the barrel of his gun was staring right back at him."Shit!"He snapped, ducking as one of the bullets got lodged where his head had been. He put the Alpha in his sights again as fire blossomed through his shoulder.

He let out a gasp of pain, his shotgun clattering to the ground as he fell back. He put a hand to the wound, bright scarlet already seeping through his black shirt and onto his fingers."Oh my god- Evan?"The Alpha groaned at Craig's panic, dropping his bloody hand and hiding it from the Omega's view."I'm fine. Recoil startled me.""Evan, I smell blood. You aren't-""We're surrounded by it, Craig!"Evan snapped, picking his gun back up."We've almost weakened them enough to the point that they should retreat. Let's keep going."Mini still hesitated, and Evan would forever be grateful he wore a black shirt to hide the throbbing crimson that was soaking his shoulder.Eventually, Craig joined him in his gunfire.Each shot had the butt of the gun pressing against his wound.White-hot pain blurred his vision with every bullet, but he didn't stop.He didn't give in until the return fire trickled away.

As the Canaries retreated, Evan let out a hiss and lowered his gun.Crimson dripped down his arm in long streaks.His shoulder had numbed from its lack of care.He sent Craig toward the van first, resting his head on the cold metal behind him as he caught his breath.Blood soaked the air as thick as his shirt.Ash and smoke billowed in thick clouds into the pastel morning sky.A fire crackled on one of the sinking ships.His earpiece buzzed with information that he didn't bother to listen to.

Feathers twirled through the salty breeze.
The sun reached golden claws for Evan's body, but he shifted away from it.The frosting autumn breeze numbed his wound further.Birds twittered as their shadows made the sunlight flicker.


Red.Red, black, and red again.Red, red, red...Blue.Blue, blue, blue.Peanuts.Vanilla.Lavender.Mud.Mud, mud, lavender.Vanilla and lavender.Blood.So much blood.Bloody vanilla.Dying lavender.Dying.Dying, dying, dying.Not dead.Not dead yet.Blood.Bloody mud.Scarlet, crimson, mud.Peanuts.

Everything was blurry.Blurry, blurry, fog.His inner Alpha was retreating, leaving him with one-word thoughts and heavily warped vision.His sight was fading from red to pink.From pink to fog.Blurry, blurry, fog.His eyes struggled to focus.

His head throbbed heavily on his right temple, like something had tried to knock him out.He couldn't decipher if his Alpha had taken control before or after the force, or if he had even been unconscious at all.His brain pounded with a searing migraine.Vanilla.His sight focused enough to see a cloudy image of two bodies at his feet.Everything seemed red.From the scent he could tell it was blood.Blood.Blood, blood, everywhere.The waves crashed on the nearby shore.The Alpha pricked his ears.He couldn't hear gunfire.Someone had been victorious.But who?

"Marcel?"The deer-horn whirled around at his name, seeing a blurry form move toward him.He blinked, hoping to see the person.He recognized the voice."Marcel, are you- oh my god..."Marcel didn't like the fear that lined the voice.He took a deep breath of air, hoping to smell the voice.Blood.Blood and-Vanilla and lavender.Marcel blinked, his vision clearing further.He realized it was Scotty staring at him, blue eyes blown wide in terror at the gore that stood and splayed in front of him."S-Scott..."Marcel mumbled, taking a stumbling step forward.Vanilla.Vanilla and lavender.Warm, inviting, vanilla.Marcel let out a low growl at the strong scent, lowering his head and swinging it around to look at the bodies behind him.

Jonathan was lying in a broken and bloody heap on the crimson concrete, beside the mangled pile of debris.His earpiece was broken in a puddle of blood.A gun was lying beside a crumpled Alpha, his left horn splintered in half. Now, with his own Alpha mostly gone, Marcel realized how young the Alpha was.Hardly 17, if Marcel judged the size of his horns.But, he was still alive.Marcel could see the slight rise and fall of his chest, even if his breathing was ragged.

A breeze made Jonathan's feathers twitch.Marcel turned his gaze back toward the Omega, ignoring the warmth that was beginning to fill his gut.He knew the scent of an Omega in Heat was going to trigger his Rut soon, if the haze returning to his eyes was anything to go by."Marcel, let's get you back to the van. Brock needs to patch you up."The deer-horn ignored his boyfriend's comment, moving toward the jay-wing's body.He needed to get Jonathan to safety."Marcel, please! You look horrible."Marcel heard Scotty take a few steps toward him, but the Beta's steps paused when Marcel started hefting the Omega into his arms.Blood and warmth began soaking into the deer-horn's sleeves as he stood up."M-Marcel, Jon's dead. We need to leave."The Alpha again ignored the Beta.He could hear Jonathan's faint heartbeat.Weak, but there."He's not dead."Marcel croaked, trudging past his boyfriend.

"What?"The Beta gasped, whirling around to walk with the Alpha."How can you tell? He doesn't look like he's breathing!""Heartbeat. Scent."Marcel muttered gravelly.It was getting harder for him to stifle the Alpha beginning to grow excited again under his skin.Scotty seemed to notice, as he offered,"You're hurt. Let me carry him."Marcel let out a warning snarl when the Beta reached for Jonathan, Scott flinching back at the sound. The deer-horn swallowed his growl, mumbling an apology before focusing on walking.

Left.Right.He could feel blood dripping down his sides.Left.Right.Several of his ribs felt broken.The spike of his migraine was returning.Left.Right.Marcel nearly stumbled as roots of agony began digging through his right side."Are you okay?"Scotty pressed, his worried tone making Marcel's heart pound almost painfully.The puddle of heat in his stomach was building with every breath he took as Jonathan's lusty scent swarmed his head.

The sounds of the waves and of Scotty's footsteps sounded underwater.His vision was beginning to swim.He growled as he sped his feet up.

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