Chapter 23

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Nogla couldn't lose his smile for the rest of the evening.

He had baked a few misshapen but well-intended cookies with the help of Anthony as Brian and Brock caught up on events (and their flirting).

He had pointedly ignored the quiet argument that had happened on the stairs.

Then, while the cookies were baking, him and Anthony had played Mario Kart after Craig had claimed to be tired and Tyler claimed to be bored with it.

He had hoped Scotty would start the next race when Smitty was yelling at John.

Then, when the cookies and icing were ready, Nogla had excitedly hopped up to help decorate them, along with everyone else.

Even Luke and Ohm had returned from wherever they had disappeared to join in the fun.

He tried not to let his eyes land on Evan's office, where the boss had vanished into.

He dragged his eyes away from the vape cloud on the balcony as the murmurs of a phone call were heard.

Luckily, it was easy to forget the dreary fog that seemed to be enveloping the gang one by one when most of them had icing smeared on their faces.

It also helped that Lui would be arriving in a few days.

"What are you thinking about that has you all blushy?"

The Irishman smiled brighter at the voice, turning to look at Marcel beside him.

"None a' yer business."

Nogla said as he smeared icing on a lopsided star.

"Five bucks it has something to do with Lui."

Scotty said with a smirk from next to Marcel.

"Keep yer nose outta my business!"

Nogla snapped, his smile still tugging at his lips.

"So when's he arriving?"

Marcel asked, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

Nogla huffed, then mumbled,

"Soon. He isn' sure when Kite is goin' to let 'im slip off, but he said it'll be this week."

Marcel nodded, him and Scott turning their attention back to the cookies at hand.

"Kite. He's like, the Canaries' boss, right?"

Brian asked, Nogla turning to look at him.

"Yea, Lui's hiddin' wit' dem ta get da inside info. Although, he's not very high in the hierarchy yet, 'cause da false Alpha scent can only do so much."

"We know the plan, Nogla."

Anthony said with a chuckle.

"I was jus' sayin'!"

The kitchen fell into a comfortable conversation.

Brock and Brian bickered with flushed faces.

Scotty playfully jabbed Marcel whenever he faded into his thoughts.

Luke whispered sweet and dirty secrets in Ohm's ear.

Anthony stayed beside Nogla, the two of them falling into a nice cycle of icing and coating all the cookies around them in sprinkles.

Little was spoken until Anthony spoke uncharacteristically quiet,

"How does one find a boyfriend?"

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