Chapter 5

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"Should we let him sleep?"

"I checked out his place, this kid hasn't slept on a real bed in years."

"He's probably exhausted, let's just leave him alone."

Jonathan blinked his eyes open, jumping when he saw the crowd of people around his bed.

"Great job. Now you woke him up."

"I did not!"

Jonathan quickly rubbed his eyes, looking at the people that were watching him curiously.

All of them were Omegas, with Ohm standing the closest to Jon.

"Good morning!"

He said cheerfully, smiling and sitting beside Jonathan.

"How'd you sleep?"

Asked one of the other Omegas. He had a mohawk and eagle wings, his green eyes bright and friendly.


Jonathan said, smiling awkwardly.

"Great actually. Best sleep in years."

He admitted. All the Omegas brightened at his statement before Ohm cleared his throat.

"Jonathan, Evan asked us to help you get settled in, so let me introduce you to Brock,"

Ohm motioned to the Omega with the eagle wings who gave him a small wave.

"Craig, or Mini,"

The man nodded his greeting, his glasses glinting in the morning light as his pigeon wings shimmered with glints of blue and purple.

"And Smitty."

The last man tipped his propeller hat, his eyes hidden behind 3D glasses as his milky white dove wings rustled slightly.

"First thing's first,"

Ohm continued, turning back toward Jonathan.

"You're going to shower. I know it's been a while since you've had running water, so get cleaned up. We already got you a fresh change of clothes, and then we can go shopping for more later today. How's that sound?"

Jonathan blinked in disbelief, then asked,


Smitty scoffed.

"Of course really! You're part of our family now!"

"Now hurry, Brock made his special breakfast and all the Alphas will eat it if you don't."

Craig said with a smirk.

"I saved him a plate! He is eating some whether he likes it or not."

Brock snapped, giving Jonathan an excited grin.

"Well come on! Into the shower with you!"

Ohm said, pulling Jon from the blankets and toward the bathroom door.

"Okay! I'm going, I'm going!"

Jonathan laughed, stumbling into the bathroom before closing the door behind him. He managed to figure out how to turn the water in the tub on, although it took him a bit to figure out how to pull the plug and turn the showerhead on.

Then, he stripped the torn black t-shirt he had been wearing for years off, along with the ripped and ruined jeans. He laid his gun delicately on top. Shoes were the main thing he bought with the money he stole, so he did have a nicer pair of black and white Nikes that he took off and placed gently beside his pile of filthy clothes.

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