Chapter 40

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Luke twirled a pen as he stared at the notebook in his hand, a frown firm on his lips. He itched idly at the temporary eyepatch he had wrapped firm around his head, an annoyed sigh seeping from his mouth.

Tyler had made it clear the afternoon prior that they needed to get going with the interrogations, making sure every Alpha had a notepad to keep notes of anything significant, as well as a list of questions.

With only one 'suspect' in Heat with Jonathan, it left the rest to be questioned- Omegas and Betas alike.

Every Alpha was assigned someone.

Luke was to talk with Brock,
Brian with Craig,
Marcel with Nogla,

John with Anthony,

Evan with Scotty,

And Tyler with Ohm.

That left Lui out of questioning, but he hadn't been at the base yet anyway.

Then, they set up rooms separate from the others for the interrogations: Tyler claimed his office, John snatched the Observation Room, Evan chose the Meeting Room, Marcel opted for the garage, Luke sectioned off the med bay, and Brian holed up in his room.

Evan had woken up extra early, stopping everyone as they came down and sitting them at the table. Then they had a tableful of hungry, confused, people and Luke didn't blame anyone for their sharp glares or rude quips.

Then, after all the Alphas got a briefing from Tyler, (along the lines of, "write anything important" and "if they're suspicious tell me") they hid away in their 'stations', leaving Evan to send everyone else to where they were assigned.

There were a few complaints, but they quieted when they were promised food.

Luke sat in his chair, clicking his pen cap while waiting for Brock to come down.

If he was honest with himself, he didn't care much about finding 'Whodunnit'.

He had joined the BBS after they saved him from getting jumped by the Canaries (he had been trying to protect Ohm, not knowing who the Omega was back then), and since then, he just never thought about leaving.

The place became home, and since he and Ohm were brought in at the same time... well, he never wanted to leave a pretty face.

This whole situation didn't affect him too much though, Jonathan didn't actually get hurt, and there hadn't been any sign of the attacker since.

If he had a say in these things, he would've called off the search a week ago.

Finally the door to the med bay opened, revealing the eagle-wing Omega with a nervous smile. Luke straightened up, pulling on his own smile as best he could with an eyepatch,

"Brock! Good morning,"

"Good morning,"
Brock responded, albeit a bit cautiously,

"Do we get to figure out why we were all sectioned off?"

"Of course, of course. Come sit down."

Luke gestured toward the seat on the other side of the steel table, and Brock tucked his wings close and sat down.

The kudu glanced down at the list of notes Tyler had given him, frowning a bit at the first few questions with a note that said "ask first". They were pretty obvious, so Luke decided to ignore them. He skimmed a few others before just dropping the notebook and questions on the table. His eye was beginning to bother him, and he just wanted to get this over with.

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