Chapter 3

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Glancing at the Alpha in front of him, Jonathan kept his stare forward.

If they were being followed, Jonathan didn't want them to lash out. So, as inconspicuous as possible, he nudged the Omega.

"We're being followed."

He mumbled, just loud enough to be heard over the surrounding people. The Omega hesitated a step, and Jon silently prayed the Alphas hadn't noticed.

"By who?"

The Omega asked, visibly holding back the urge to turn around.

Stop being so easy to read! Haven't you been on the streets?

Jonathan kept his thoughts to himself and followed a car with his eyes as it drove past, giving himself an excuse to look back at the Alphas.

"A herd of Alphas. Most of them are in suits, maybe all of them. I'm not sure."

The Omega paused a breath, then asked,

"They're all Alphas? No Omegas?"

Jonathan nodded. He was sure.

With a nod, the Omega took a few faster steps, walking alongside the Alpha in front of them.

"Tyler, we got company."

The Omega whispered, his gray wings twitching irritatedly. At first, Jonathan thought the Alpha, or Tyler, hadn't heard him, but then his eyes caught on an Omega flying past them, and Jonathan saw his piercing blue stare hover for a moment behind them before turning back around.

"The Canaries..."

Tyler growled under his breath, his shoulders stiffening the slightest bit.

"What do we do?"

The Omega asked quietly, glancing at the shrinking crowd around them.

People were vanishing into buildings, going to work and leaving the sidewalks almost barren.

If they wanted to hide, they had to do it fast.

Checking he still had his gun with a soft tap to his hip, Jonathan quickly scanned the buildings in his line of sight and took in where they were, realizing they were near the gas station he had robbed a few days ago.

Which means...

"Follow me."

Jonathan snapped as he darted in front of the Alpha.

He walked as quickly as he could around this building and then...

Jackpot! The alley he was looking for.

He hurried into it, glancing back to make sure the Alpha and Omega were following him before dashing deeper in.

He heard them running to catch up, and stopped.

When they turned the corner, he asked,

"Which direction do you prefer? North or south?"

South would take him back toward his house, but he had already come this far. Besides, maybe the meeting house was-


The Alpha answered, casting looks over his shoulder for the herd of Alphas.

Or...Canaries...whatever that was.

Jonathan nodded and hurried down the alleys that lead northward, away from his familiar path, but he had traversed these alleys long enough to know exactly where this alley lead.

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