Chapter 11

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Jonathan blinked his eyes open at the alarm blaring on the nightstand, pressing the off button before sitting up.
It took him a moment until he remembered why he had set the alarm, Evan requesting he be up by 7:00 to have breakfast and meet everyone. 

Jonathan stumbled out of his room, startled when he saw one of the Alphas standing by his door. 

"Morning, Jon."

He said, smiling kindly.


Jonathan greeted awkwardly, closing the door behind him.

"Evan asked me to watch your door in case that Alpha came back,"

The Alpha said, walking with Jonathan toward the stairs.

"My name is Marcel, by the way."

He introduced himself, smiling at Jonathan.

"Nice to meet you, Marcel."

Jon said, finally smiling as well. As the two stepped down the last few steps, Jonathan realized pretty much everyone was gathered at the table, and if not, they were sitting on couches or leaning on counters.

Their breakfasts seemed to be a mix of cereal and waffles, and Jonathan spotted Evan standing beside Tyler and Brock. When he saw Marcel and Jonathan though, he looked up and smiled.

"Good morning, Jon! Thank you, Marcel,"

He added with a nod. Marcel nodded in return, heading toward the kitchen to make his own breakfast.

"Jonathan, let me introduce everyone while they're all here."

Evan said, walking toward the new Omega.
"Alphas first; over there is Brian, then you've met Tyler  and Marcel, then Luke and John."
The first Alpha had pronghorns, then Tyler with his longhorns and Marcel with his deer. Luke had unique twisted horns Jonathan hadn't seen many of, but if he could guess what type, it would be kudu. John had antelope horns similar to the fake ones Jonathan had used for years, but the rings were more defined and worn.

"And then Betas; we have Scotty, Nogla, and Anthony."
The three were sitting together on the couch, and waved at Jonathan at their mention.
"And I think that's everyone, although we do get a visitor Beta every once in a while. He usually just gives us our intel and doesn't stay long. His name is Lui."
Jonathan nodded, going over names as he looked at the new faces.
At least they all seem friendly.

"I'll be taking a few Alphas and Betas with me to pick up some supplies. Brock, why don't you and a few other Omegas try and get Jonathan caught up in...well I guess, life. We'll be back in a few hours."

And with that, Evan left, taking Tyler, Anthony, and Marcel with him. Brian and Scotty left soon after, saying they were getting groceries and would also be back soon.

When the sound of the garage closing faded away, and Jonathan had finished breakfast, Brock sat him down on the couch.
"Alright, so let's start with what you do know. What do you know about Alphas and Omegas?"
Jon frowned, glancing at the curious faces that surrounded him.
"Um, I know people discover their second gender around 13-18 years old, and that Alphas have horns, Omegas have wings, and Betas have neither."
"Anything else?"
Brock probed, he seemed a little worried.
"I also know Omegas go through heats, but that's it."
Brock nodded, then asked,
"Can you smell people? For example, what is my scent?"
Brock offered, smiling hopefully. Jonathan paused, sniffing deeply. There were a few smells that seemed to be clearer than others, but how did he know who's was who's?
Jonathan sighed in defeat, leaning back so he could stare at the ceiling.
"I don't know. Ever since I got here I noticed I could smell a bit better, but I don't know how to tell the difference between yours and Smitty's.
Jonathan gestured to the Omega on his right, who shifted with a snicker. John, who was leaning on the counter while watching the group spoke up,
"Try following one of the scents, it should lead you to whoever it belongs to."
Jon glanced at the Alpha as he took a puff from his vape, the smoke curling around his horns as he watched leisurely. With a nod, Jonathan closed his eyes, mentally going through the scents until he found a trail of honey and mangoes. Opening his eyes, he followed the scent to Craig, who was standing a little behind Brock with his arms crossed.
"I found you."
The Omega's eyebrows lifted, but before he could say anything Brock asked,
"What does he smell like?"
"Honey and mangoes."
Brock grinned widely, then said,
"Perfect! Now try someone else."
Jon nodded and closed his eyes, untangling the scent strands until there was only one braided smell. Then, after opening his eyes, he followed it.
"Milk and cherries,"
He said, looking at Smitty who smiled back.
"Nice job kid,"
He chuckled, rustling Jonathan's hair. Jonathan giggled, able to get faster at discerning scents and being able to see someone and determine their smell.
The Beta's scent was much weaker than the others, but still there. And the Alphas seemed to be single scents instead of two braided together like the other Omegas.
After figuring out John smelled like fresh rain, (through his vape smoke), Jonathan asked Brock why that was.
The older Omega, however, could only answer with a shrug.
"Some think it's an old trait from thousands of years ago where the Omegas could imitate scents that their desired Alphas liked, combining their original scent with the one the Alpha liked and increasing their chances the Alpha would choose them as a mate. I think it's just because Omegas have more scent glands."
He paused to let Jon process the information, then asked,
"Any more questions about scents?"
Jon paused, then asked,
"What are scent blockers?"
"Oh, they usually come in a spray, but can come in creme, it's just less effective. Basically, you apply it to your scent glands to neutralize your scent and make you fairly undetectable smell-wise."
Jon nodded, and Brock clapped his hands together.
"Perfect. Then, do you know the sensory differences between Alphas, Betas, and Omegas?"
Jon blinked in confusion, and Brock chuckled.
"I'll take that as a no. Well, Alphas can actually see in the dark, and like a cat, their eyes shine in specific light."
"It's really fun to hide in the dark and scare people,"
John commented with a chuckle. However, nobody else laughed and all eyes turned to Jonathan. It was silent until Brock cleared his throat.
"Omegas have better hearing; we can hear higher frequencies than Alphas or Betas."
"That's how Evan sends his distress signal,"
Craig added, leaning against the wall.
"Ohm found you and Evan by following the signal after those Alphas tried to kill him."
Jonathan nodded, remembering the ringing sound he had heard.
That must've been the signal.
He reasoned to himself with a nod.
Makes sense why none of the Alphas reacted to it.
"Beta's senses are fairly muted compared to an Alpha or an Omega, so they can't smell as well, or hear the high frequencies Omegas can."
Nogla said, putting his empty bowl on the coffee table.
"I can't smell all the scents people have, but I can tell when dinner is ready."
"When know, Nogla,"
Brock said with a chuckle.
Nogla spattered as the guys laughed.
"I was jus' sayin!"
Nogla argued indignantly, visibly pouting.

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