Chapter 29

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Gold stained the streets as lights flickered to life.

Neon signs flashed excitedly from the nearby Los Santos.

The faint glow of bright colors caused the sky to be frozen in partial illumination, even if the sun had long since set.

A golden beam from a street lamp flickered.

An echo of a gunshot slammed against crumbling buildings.

Exchanges of goods happened quickly and with glances over shoulders.

Houses and apartment complexes were pressed together, garages and parking lots the only things skewing the perfect lines of buildings.

Out here, the young gangs ruled the crowded streets.

The larger ones didn't care about the mild crime on the outskirts.

It was out here, the band of Misfits ruled.

An Alpha stared out the window of the spare bedroom, stained curtains shifting in the breeze that leaked through a crack in the glass.

His cotton candy vape had run out, leaving him comfortless as he rested his head against the cool glass.

His breath clouded the window around him, his bleary eyes blinking lazily as his gaze followed slow-moving cars.

"John? Dinner is ready."

A voice called through the door, the draft that drifted toward the antelope-horn tinged with oranges and clove.

"I'll be there in a bit, Toby,"

John answered, not taking his eyes off the sleeping neighborhood.

The other side of his door was quiet for a minute before Toby spoke again.

"Can I come in?"

John mumbled a "sure", and the Omega slowly opened his door.

The antelope-horn didn't move from the window seat, but he did eventually turn to look at Toby at the creak of his bed.


Toby cooed softly, a concerned smile on his face.


John deadpanned, turning his hazel gaze back toward the window.

"Are you...going to tell me why you're here without Smitty yet?"

John only sighed in response.

It had been three days and he was still struggling with leaving his room.

He would eat, join the Misfits on their daily rounds, then go back and hide under his blanket covers as he stared at the smoggy sky.

And even while on the streets with the other 6 people, he kept silent.

"John, I'm sure nothing good happened, but you know I'm here if you want to talk."

The Alpha closed his eyes, taking lungfuls of Toby's tangy scent to soothe his nerves.

He knew he shouldn't bottle up his feelings, but he'd rather feel the pain in his chest than the ache of emptiness that would replace it.

Toby waited a few moments, probably expecting the Alpha to give him an answer, before John heard the bed springs squeak again.

"Alright, well Cam and I are heading out. We'll be back in a few hours."

"Be careful!"

John called out, turning to look at the wren-wing before he could disappear through his door.

Toby paused in the doorframe, his blue eyes hovering on John's panicked form before nodding.

"We will."

The Omega closed the door with a click, John slumping back into the wall as he let out a huff of breath he didn't know he was holding.

His heart was pounding, eyelids covered in gorey images of Smitty sprawled on the ground.

The image of the injured Omega flickered between Toby and Smit.

He let out a cry, covering his face with his fists as tears started pouring over his cheeks.

His shoulders and hands trembled with fear and despair.

He wanted Smitty back.

He wanted him back more than he could've ever fathomed possible.

To hold the Omega in his arms.

Feel his pulse against his own.

To watch Smitty's cheeks burn as giggles racked his frame.

John's sobs flowed steadily from his cracked heart, his usually stoick expression and steel walls crumbling to nothing.

He was broken,

And the only thing that could fix him was the same blade that had shattered him.


Tyler's room was dark when he opened the door, silent except for the sound of running water in his bathroom.

<i>Craig must be showering.</i>

Tyler thought to himself, closing the door behind him with a click.

A single beam of golden light leaked through the bottom of the bathroom door, just enough for the Alpha to see the entire room thanks to his heightened vision.

Tyler was about to collapse onto his bed and let sleep overtake him, but the suddenly overwhelming scent of his mate made him cringe.

The scent of honey and mangoes he had once craved now just made bile roll viciously in his stomach.

The water slowed to a drip, then there was a rustle of a towel.

Tyler let a quiet curse slip through his lips, his inner Alpha flaring excitedly at the thought of seeing the pigeon-wing.

There was another ripple of fabric as Tyler assumed the Omega was throwing on some clothes.

However, every other part of his being wanted to flee, ignore his mate for a few more days...

The click of the bathroom door opening made his body freeze, the bright golden light nearly blinding him as Craig stepped off of the tile floor and onto the carpet.

"Oh, Tyler,"

The pigeon-wing seemed surprised at the presence of the Alpha in <i>their</i> room, but the longhorn still let out a huff of a greeting.

"What...why are you here?"

Tyler felt his hair prick at the unease in Craig's voice, and snarled out,

"What, an Alpha can't sleep in his bed?"

Craig flinched at the word "<i>Alpha</i>", and Tyler bit his tongue to stop an apology from tumbling out.

They weren't mates right now, and Tyler was the notorious "bad cop" in these situations.

He was going to keep it that way.

So, with a sigh, Tyler crossed his arms.

"But, you're right. I am here for something."

Craig shuffled uneasily, running his towel over his damp hair.

Tyler had never been more grateful that Craig always put clothes on in the bathroom.

"W-what is it?"

Craig asked softly, his hazel eyes sparking with hesitance and fear.

Tyler paused, questioning if he should really do what he was about to, or crumble for his inner Alpha that wanted to hold the Omega close and tell him everything would be okay.

But that was why he needed to do this.

So he could make the gang safe again.

Make the Omegas safe again.

Make Craig safe again.

"Did you lie to Evan?"

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