Bill Williamson: Perfect

Start from the beginning

What annoyed Bill the most was that he knew he was pushing you away. He saw every frown that he put on your face and every hesitation you made when you wanted to ask him about his behaviour. Why was he such an asshole?

He had noticed that you had been acting more shy and nervous around him then usual, like you were worried about him. God, you are too good for him.


You were sleeping in your tent, you were one of the lucky few who got your own tent. You were just about to fall asleep when you heard somebody stumble into your tent, you already knew who it was but you thought it would be best to just check it was your boyfriend.

You turned around to face the intruder but Bill was already claiming into your bed with you, and you let him of course. You chuckled slightly as Bill wrapped his arms around you and buried his face into the crook of your neck.

Of course you were confused by Bill's actions but from the smell of whiskey you figured he was drunk. You combed your fingers through his hair as he cuddled into you. You loved cuddling with Bill, he is just so damn comfortable and emits so much warmth. You were about to fall asleep again, this time with Bill attached to you, but you opened your eyes when you heard Bill starting to talk.

"I'm sorry I'm awful, I'm sorry t-that I'm such a damn fool and that you c-can do so much better than me. You're so perfect, you're too good for me. I love you, I'm sorry, I love you" Bill mumbled and slurred against your skin, making your stop your movements. That was the first time that either of you had said 'I love you' so it definitely surprised you. But the rest of his confession surprised you as well. Was this why he had been acting so strangely around you? Because he thought that he didn't deserve you?

You were about to tell him how wrong he was but Bill had already fallen asleep, holding you against him. You just sighed as you ran your fingers through his hair again, pressing a kiss to the top of his head as you fell asleep with him.


Most of the gang was out of the camp so it was pretty quiet, maybe this was a good time to talk to Bill?

You walked over to Bill, who was sitting at a table in the camp. You fiddled with your fingers a little bit, not sure how to approach the conversation. You knew that Bill could be a little difficult to get to open up.

"Bill, I need to talk to you" you spoke as you reached where he was sitting. Bill looked up at you and paused for a moment, like he was trying to figure out what you wanted to say to him before you said it. He just nodded silently before standing up.

You gave him a small smile before you both wandered into the forest, away from the camp so that you could talk more privately.

Bill followed behind you silently, his mind running a mile an hour. He knew that 'we need to talk' wasn't a good way to start a conversation, he wasn't the best with people but he could tell that you were nervous about something. He couldn't help but expect the worst, he couldn't help but think that you wanted to end things between the two of you.

You finally came to an end of the trees and took a seat at the edge of the lake. You looked up at Bill and patted the space side you, encouraging him to sit down with you. Bill hesitated slightly before sitting down beside you, looking into the water instead of looking at you.

"Why have you been acting so strange recently? I'm worried about you" you asked with a small sigh.

"There ain't nothing wrong and I ain't been acting strange" Bill shrugged, wanting to avoid the conversation for as long as possible.

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