Chapter six: A sick Lilith

Start from the beginning

Playing with the pedant that Peter had given her, Lilith was looking out to the moon. She twisted the Peter pedant around her fingers, wondering if Peter was doing the same to his moon pedant. He had given it to her as a goodbye present before she was called away from him by Rumple.

He needed her for a mission in the enchanted forest and she was abruptly pulled away from Neverland, Bealfire, the lost boys and most importantly, Peter. Looking at the moon one more time, she thought she saw something flying over it, something like a shadow.

She smirked as she began to hum the soft tune of 'lost girl' making the shadow fly away from the moon and over to her window, waving at her as he held his other hand out. 

Smiling, Lilith grabbed it and allowed the shadow to pull her out of her sleep, and into a dream. 

--------Once upon a time--------

 ''The odd thing is, she seems to have it out for me, I don't get why though. If shes after Emma ... what do I have to do with all of this?'' Lillian walked along side Henry and Neal as they searched the woods, not finding anything helpful. 

''Maybe you done something to her when you where the Dark Lilith?''

''Maybe, but I can't remember a second of doing something to her.'' Henry chuckled as he kicked a stone. 

''Well, you did a lot to a lot of people...'' Turning to her angry face, he held his hands up. ''But you changed!'' As he turned, Lillian looked as if she was about to be sick. ''Lily?'' 

''The dagger... someone is controlling Rumple.'' With help of Henry and Neal, she sat down on a large rock that was on the side of the forest road. 

''What's happening?'' Henry held her hand as he looked at her face before he quickly moved her hair from her face as she threw up on the side. Making Neal have to jump out of the way. As her eyes started to spin, she grabbed both of their arms before crooking a name out. 

''Peter ... ''  

--------Once upon a time--------

Lilith sat on her bed, bucket in her lap as she kept on throwing up. Rumple hadn't been able to find out why the young girl had suddenly become sick, she just kept on passing in and out of continuous and throwing up within a few seconds.  

Rumple had given her a few potions, making her stay awake and making sure she was able to eat without throwing up within the next hour. 

''Why is this happening?''

''I don't know Lilith, maybe it's your magic? Having been born with magic is something very hard to handle, especially at such a young age while being as powerful as you are, sweetheart.'' Petting her hair, he smiled and put her down onto her bed. 

''Now get some sleep Lilith, you need the rest.'' 

--------Once upon a time--------

Waking up in the back of the Pawn shop, Lillian held her hand on her stomach, emptying it once more in the bucket next to her. Resting her head against the pillow, she had to keep her head from spinning into another direction. 

Peter and Neal both walked into the room, looking at the young girl. Taking a seat next to her, Peter held her hair back as he put it into a ribbon, making sure her face wouldn't be covered by the hair if she would have to empty her stomach again. 

And she would ... not even two seconds later.

''What the hell is happening to her Rumple?'' Peter turned to his 'son' when he walked into the room, getting next to his adoptive daughter. Petting her head and striking his thumb against her cheek.

''I don't know, I've only seen her like this once.'' Turning back to Lily, he smiled. ''Hello Lilith.'' 

She groaned and turned her back to the three men on her bed. Peter turned her back around, resting his hand on her hip. ''Tiger Lily, you have to stay awake for us alright?'' 

''I'm just so tired ... '' She put herself around so she could rest her head on his lap, allowing him to play with her hair as she made herself comfortable.  

''Okay, you go and sleep for one hour. We'll wake you up after those sixty minutes, alright?'' She gave a nod as she softly fell to sleep in the lap of the man she loved. 

So, that was the new chapter for today. From now on, my uploading will be on Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday. So if anyone was wondering, those will be the days where you can find this story on an update. Hopefully you enjoyed this chapter, and if you did, please leave a vote, comment, follow and maybe even a theory/suggestion for the story. I'll see you soon! 

-X Violet's-library

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