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Jungkook's P.O.V

The next day, it was time to come home. So, once we went into our seats, I intertwined my fingers with Taehyung's as I laid my head on his shoulder.

"You think the talk will be a good thing or a bad thing?" I asked, biting my nails nervously.

Taehyung chuckled as he used his other hand to take the hand that I was biting on, away from my mouth.

"Your eomma already said that it's nothing for you to be worried about." He assured. I sighed and hummed.

"I know, but.."

"Hush, you worry too much.." he trailed off as I soon felt him lay his head on top of mine.

I averted my gaze towards him, only to see him asleep. I giggled softly as I pulled his body, his head now resting on my lap.

"Aigoo... how long did you stay up last night?" I mumbled as I stroked his hair.


I knocked on Taehyung's office as I soon heard him say "come in" I opened the door.

I saw him fixing some documents as I leaned on the door frame.

"Shouldn't you be sleeping by now?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

He glanced at me before he went back to doing his work.

"Yeah, but I have to finish these documents since I still need to give it to Hoseok."

"Though, I want to ask you the same, Why are you still awake?" He soon asked, turning to me.

"Well, I woke up and went to the kitchen and drank a glass of water, but I noticed that your lights were still open from outside." I answered.

He hummed and nodded, putting some folders back to it's place.

"And you're deciding to wait for me till we go back to bed together?" He asked, with an amused smile, raising an eyebrow.

I rolled my eyes playfully, crossing my arms, as I smiled a little. "Something like that."

He chuckled and shook his head. "Just go to bed, Kookie, i'll be with you as soon as i'm finished, i'm almost done."

"Are you sure?"

He smiled and nodded. I nodded hesitantly as I went back to our room.


I sighed as I myself, soon drifted off into dream world.

Yoongi's P.O.V

I was outside at the castle's garden with Jimin as we waited for Jungkook and his guard to arrive.

It was silent, yes, but as cheesy as it sounds, the latter's presence was enough to content me.

Eomma soon appeared in front of us without me and Jimin noticing. "Yah! Get your asses up, they're here!"

"Ok, ok, jeez..." I said as me and Jimin stood up.

We walked side by side as we soon arrived at the front, seeing Jungkook and another dude, I think his name is Taehyung, talking with our father.

Eomma soon gasped as he ran towards Jungkook, giving him a bonecrushing hug.

"JUNGKOOKIE! OH MY BABY I MISSED YOU!" He soon exclaimed as he cupped Jungkook's cheeks with his hands.

"Is... he always like this..?" Jimin soon whispered in my ear. I shrugged "yep, sometimes I question if eomma is just a kid in an adult's body."

Jimin soon giggled as all of us went inside.

Jin's P.O.V

"Now, mind telling me how you got those hickeys when we called yesterday?" I soon asked as we were walking down the halls.

"Not the time, honey, they just arrived, let's give Jungkook some time first, ok?" Namjoon soon said.

I groaned and mumbled. "Fine..."

"Uhm... Hyung? You never introduced me, who's that beside you?" Jungkook soon asked, directing the question to Yoongi.

"Oh yeah, Kook, this is Jimin, my boyfriend." Yoongi answered until Jungkook's eyes sparkled in excitement.

"Really?! How old is he?! How did you meet?! How did you fall in love?!-" Jungkook soon bombarded his hyung with questions and all of just burst into laughter at how cute his reaction was.


I don't need you, right? KTH + JJKUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum