He sighs "it'll be okay love"


He nods. "Promise". I lean over and pick his cheek. He groans. "As much as I'm enjoying the view it's best you get dressed everybody has been asking for you all morning"

"Fine" I grumble and walk to the wardrobe I pull on a plain black dress and my heels. I pull my hair into a ponytail before exiting the room.

My heels clicked on the wooden stairs. Everyone looked up from the dinning and smiled softly.

"Melody dear good morning" I nodded towards Lucius before sitting next to Draco. I had no appetite instead I opted for a small bowl of fruit.

The silence was overbearing the sound of forks and knives scratching plates were all that could be heard.

"You all don't need to stay quite I'm not going to break if you talk" I sigh.

Cissa cleared her throat. "I apologise dear it wasn't are intention to make you feel uncomfortable"

"We just thought you'd like some silence" my father spoke softly.

I shook my head. "that's not necessary I'm fine what happened yesterday had to be done" my voice strong holding a finality tone.

Lucius chuckled a little. "You're strong melody" he paused. "But every person in this room has known you your entire life we all love you dearly so there's no need to put up a tough front if you need to cry you can cry".

A lump began to form in my throat, I tried my best to swallow. Tears once again began to cloud my sight. "Thank you all" my voice quiet.

Breakfast was continued in silence no one pressure me to talk instead kept their word and simply understood I needed time.

Draco took my hand and led me out to the gardens.

"Where are we going?" I questioned.

"To see obsidian of course"

A smile took over my face and I over took Draco causing me to be the one to lead him. We reached the stables quickly and I heard the huffs from obsidian.

His black coat shone indicating he was only after being freshly groomed. His mane and tail have been cut up ridding him of tangled pieces.He looked like a champion.

His eyes locked with mine and he trotted over and hung his out the stall. He moved his head up and down.

"Hey boy I've missed you" I giggled as he stomped his foot on the floor. "I'll take that as an I miss you too"

I rubbed his mane to which he released a sigh. "Don't you look pretty"

"It's good to see him in a happy mood again" Draco broke me from my trance.

"What do you mean?" My eyebrows furrow together.

Draco chuckled. "He was very moody when you left. Mother said he won't let anyone else mount him"

"Are you serious?"

"I swear love it's the truth he lets other clean him but no one else has ridden him but you"

I faced him "moody git" I placed a kiss on his nose.

"What do you say we go for a quick run"

I smiled and nodded. "That's sounds terrific". I wave my wound and my outfit changed to something more appropriate.

After racking up obsidian I climb into the saddle and take off. Draco trails behind me giving me my space to gallop.

I reach the lake near Malfoy manor and pull obsidian to a halt. The cold wind blows through the trees, the frozen lake catches my attention.

"Shame it's not hard enough we could've skated" I pout.

"Stop whining we could always come back tomorrow?"

"But that's tomorrow"

"You Melody are an extreme drama queen"

"Am not you take that back!" I shout.

He stuck his tongue out and winked. "Only if you beat me back to the stables"

"Oh you're so on" we sped off the wind blowing through my hair and smile etched on my face. I was eternally grateful for Draco after everything that's happened, he always manages to make me feel like me again.

He makes me feel loved, protected and he never fails to make me smile.

Word count:1278

I've hit 6K on this story!! I have absolutely no idea how that's even happened but thank you everyone! You all make me smile 💚 ILYSM!

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