I Love You Forever (Epilogue)

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"Mmmooooooooooooom! Micah keeps moving my stuff and now I can't find anything!" 

"She's lying, momma! Why would I want to touch her janky stuff anyway?"

"Micah's bullying me!" Rowan all but screamed. Ariana laughed from her spot next to me on the couch, where she had been flipping through a magazine as I read a book. 

"Why can't the two of you ever behave?" I groaned. 

Micah and Rowan were either thick as thieves or each others worst enemies, there was no in between. But, as the two oldest of our children, that was expected. Then there was Augustus and Bianca, the twins, also known as Gus and Bee, who were little angels. I had joked that we needed to put bells on them, because of how quiet and reserved the two of them were. 

Our family, five years after our wedding was made up of Micah, who was now almost twelve, Rowan, who was about to be ten, Augustus and Bianca, who were both almost seven, and--

"Incoming!" I looked up to find Persephone, wearing pool floaties, knee pads, goggles, a helmet and a cape, jumping off of the stairs and landing in between Ariana and I on the couch. 

"Poppy!" I shouted, my heart racing in fear. "Oh, my God. Poppy, you can't keep doing that! You're gonna get hurt!"

And Persephone, who was five and a half. Ariana and I had adopted Rowan, Augustus and Bee, before Ariana decided she wanted to try having a baby. So, we went to a sperm bank, and now we had Persephone, named so because she was born on the first day of spring, after a particularly rough winter. 

Ariana dropped her magazine and scooped Poppy up in her arms, blowing raspberries on her belly, making her laugh. 

"Mommy, stop it!" She giggled. "That tickles!" At that moment, Micah and Rowan came thundering down the stairs, Micah in front. 

"Rowan's a liar!" He declared immediately. "Whatever she says is a lie!"

"Micah hid my ukulele!" Rowan shouted, almost in tears, pushing her brother out of the way. "I can't find it and he's always hiding my things!"

"Micah, give your sister her ukulele back," I said, setting my book aside. I pulled Rowan on my lap and smoothed her silky brown hair. 

"But I didn't take it!" Micah insisted. "I swear!"

"Micah Summers," Ariana said sternly, no longer tickling Poppy. "It's not nice to take your sister's things. You know that."

"Yeah, but I didn't take her ukulele!" Micah insisted. "Look, I did take your blue notebook. It's in the cabinet under the kitchen sink, but I didn't touch the ukulele! I know better than that."

"You know better than to take my ukulele, but you hide my songwriting notebook all the time!" Rowan snapped. 

"Yeah, because I can't break the notebook," Micah said, like this was the most obvious thing in the world. "But if I accidentally broke your ukulele, you'd kill me, if momma didn't kill me first."

"Yeah, well, what if you destroyed my songwriting book and then all my songs are gone forever?" Rowan sniffed, wiping a stray tear off her cheek. Micah blushed slightly, before reaching in his back pocket and pulling out a flash drive. 

"Happy birthday?" He said, tossing his sister the flash drive. She caught it, looking very confused. 

"What is this?" She asked. 

"All the songs in your notebook," Micah replied. "I scanned all the pages and put them on that flash drive. And I typed them up, too, just in case. All on the flash drive." Rowan didn't know what to say. She stood up after a moment, before tackling her brother with a hug. 

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