Reaching Out

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hi sorry for the stretch in updates )-:

ngl I was actually starting to hate that cover & title. it was just too long. so I changed the cover & shortened the title. I hope that's fine w y'all ??

pls enjoy this chapter

My phone had been ringing nonstop for two days. Ariana had been continuously calling me as I laid under my bed, curled up in a ball, unable to speak, eat or sleep. I just stared at the foot of my dresser as I slowly fell apart.

On day three of my breakdown, someone came marching into my room and my heart started to pound as I thought of Ryan. But, the footsteps didn't sound like a mans. Suddenly, a pair of white heels were in between me and my dresser, and I heard a sigh.

"Lyric," Ariana said, crouching down to see me. She was wearing jeans and a tight white tee shirt with a navy hoodie over it, unzipped. She looked amazing, and I wanted to cry again.

"Lyric, you can't stay under there forever." Try me, I thought bitterly.

"Lyric." Her voice was soft and warm, like honey. All I wanted to do was kiss her, but I couldn't. She wasn't mine to kiss anymore. "Lyric, please come out." When I didn't answer, she sighed again.

"Fine," Ariana said, getting on her knees and wiggling under the bed. "If you won't come out, I'll have to come in." She crawled her way over to me before laying on her side. She rested one arm under her head and the other reached out to brush her fingertips against my arm.

"Talk to me," she said softly. Don't look at her eyes, don't look at her eyes, don't look at her eyes. Don't kiss her. Don't do it. No. She's not yours. She's his. Do not do it. Be strong.

"C'mon Lyric," Ariana pleaded. "You know, I was gonna check the park for you at first. Remember, the little rock cave? You know the one. Where you went as a kid when you were upset. But, I figured your first thought would be home, so I came here instead."

"How do you know about the rock cave?" My voice sounded strange after not using it for two days. "Casen doesn't even know about that."

"Casen may be your best friend, but we were going to get married, remember?" Ariana's eyes seemed far away as her face drifted into a dreamy smile. "I know more about you than you'd think." She looked like she was going to play with a ring on her finger before realising it wasn't there. Then she sighed and looked at me again.

"Lyric, you can't let this destroy you," Ariana said quietly. "Ryan can't touch you, or Micah, or me anymore. He's locked up for good, but the only way to make sure he stays locked up for good, is to testify against him. You have to tell the courts what happened that night. Not the night in the house, the other night. Okay? And I know it will be hard, but you have to. You have to do it. If not for you and not for me, do it for Micah. Make sure Ryan gets locked up for Micah." I bit my trembling lip as tears filled my eyes. I couldn't protect either one of them that night, so how could I be trusted to do it now?"

"I couldn't protect you," I whispered.

"I didn't get hurt," Ariana replied. "I walked away. I didn't get hurt, and neither did Micah. We weren't the ones who needed the medical attention. Surgeons can't fix broken hearts." My breath hitched in my throat and I almost threw up. I couldn't stop hurting her, the woman I loved.

"I'm sorry," I breathed, clutching my stomach. Ariana took me in her arms as best she could. "It's fine," she whispered. "We're fine. It's okay. I forgive you." She kissed my forehead gently before saying, "Let's get out of here. You need to eat. It's been three days." At the mention of food, my stomach rumbled.

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